Barkat - A Tiny Star
Barkat - A Tiny Star

A cute little queen,
Whose smile can always be seen,
A tiny star,
So adorable you are,
Papa’s princess,
Whose mind works a bullet express,
Mama’s heartbeat,
Being a fairy you look so sweet,
The way you enjoy,
You fly sky high,
You look so pretty in regards to what you wear,
What’s most important to us is your absol
ute Care,
Through you comes prosperity & enlightenment in Each of our lives,
We feel blessed that almighty graced us with you in our lives,
Not shaking hands with strangers makes you very very well mannered,
Your love for chips & ice cream makes your childhood blessed in every manner,
Plenty of smiles you are blessed to be graced with,
Unique different with whom we can always play with,