Jyoti Ablaze

Children Drama Tragedy


Jyoti Ablaze

Children Drama Tragedy

As Fate Shall Have It

As Fate Shall Have It

2 mins

There lived a bird, on the top of a tree

She chirped and tweeted in morning spree

Happy and gay, she settled in her nest

Awaiting the day, taking some rest.

She never suspected, the day would change

Nothing seemed obvious in far range

But suddenly the rustle stopped altogether,

The sham blue sky changed its colour.

Dark, storm clouds veiled the sun

Shadow covers the nest. There’s nowhere to run

Gripped in fear, the bird spread her wings,

To cover her nest and the eggs within

Three little eggs nestled there bare

Hatching was near, no time to spare.

The bird was now, anxious and scared.

But summoned courage and came prepared.

Wild wind blew, she shuddered with the tree

Rooted her claws and started to plea.

Her heart thundered when the sky broke,

Drenching the earth with giant strokes

The rain teared, no caressing drizzle fell

But a torrent, enough to fill a well

Now w

as the time to take the rein

Not to be panic stricken as bane.

The bird knew that the time had come,

To do something and save the eggs from

The merciless rain that poured and poured,

Formed a reservoir, impossible to ford

Fluttering her wings in frantic attempts,

She searched for something, anything in contempt

Found a bay leaf floating below

With tact she brought it from the water shallow.

She gathered her strength, with the leaf in her beak.

Placed it between her trembling nest and the wind

Like a shield she stood for the sword to strike

Determined to live and ready to die

She started to hope that she might win,

But a wild gush of air took the rein.

Knocked her hard and out of the nest

Fate’s whim inflicted woe and distress.

The wings rendered her life that eve

But the eggs fell down, nature heaved.

Three little birds never saw the sun,

Died in the shells, act was done!

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