An Evening with a Video on a Couch
An Evening with a Video on a Couch

Should you
Could you
Play God in your own life
The interlinks are confusing
May cause a short circuit in someone else’ being
Cause to loose their precious, cherished memories
Talking, without using words
Language is The barrier most times
Using signs, gestures, eyes to reach out
Get over with the task at hand
There is so much to do
No time to pause
Sit back and hold your life (breath)
No patience to comprehend the complexities
Just swipe the card and move on to the next window
Mechanical perhaps, but a sense of achievement
Seen in others eyes
And y
ou feel fulfilled, arrived, recognized
These are just actions
What you achieve after the action
What you comprehend
What you implement
Is the real challenge
Experience the rush of emotions
Feel the moment in itself
Cherish that passing moment, for all it is worth
Or what it could be
Imagination override every other action
Be true to yourself
True to the moment
Live the complete cycle in that moment
The experience is gratifying in itself
If you can (make it so)
Then this life is simple
Easy to deal with
And perhaps comprehend the complexities