Abhishek Singh

Abstract Classics Others


Abhishek Singh

Abstract Classics Others



2 mins

Turning Clocks, Burning Shops, Pending Jobs, Sending cops, breaking knobs

Changing Books, Petting the crooks, loosening screws, Dividing crews, Uprising Muse

Trying to maintain peace like the Buddhist Monks

Several Miggs Staring at Clarice's like the Rudest Punks

Building Towers, Killing Flowers 

Praying Hours, who’s in Power?


Wondering what all of this is is about

Am I a real one or it’s just for clout

Setting fire, but where the pyre is

Living life like a rotating gyre 

Humming these lyrics as if I’m in a choir


So where's the treasure hidden

You're doing something that's forbidden

Seeing the morning like the roost of chicken

Criticizing me that it's clumsily written


Acquiring nuclear weapon

Keep saying you'll go to heaven

Talk about global issues as if G seven  


Killing our self sufficiency

Churchill saying keeps stocks for emergency

Indians savage people let them die of food deficiency


It’s like the white man's ignorance

I guess by now you're checking this reference

Plundering, Torture,

Discrimination all in the name of governance 

Imposing one way trade on us for evidence 

It’s more like the brown man's tolerance


It’s all pre decided like Calvin's predestination

Whether be it salvation or damnation

Just keep working with all dedication

In Europe that lead to capitalism formation


It’s like the ship of theses of Plutarch 

When you change the parts is it the same or does it leave a mark

Go back reread the lines it deserves your attention hark 


You can find yourself in isolation

It’s the only time for evaluation

Man is a social animal that's only one part of the equation

Open your third eye for spiritual connection 


I bet you found all clues accidentally like Scooby

I guess you're Daphne if it's beauty

If it’s the brains then Velma is on duty


I keep bringing these abstract phrases

Real life is not like Sherlock or Hardy boys cases

I could still go on and on for pages


You're still wondering this is dedicated to whom

Well it’s the one and only super villain MF DOOM.

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