Abhishek Singh

Abstract Romance Classics


Abhishek Singh

Abstract Romance Classics

Reflections On Mortality

Reflections On Mortality

2 mins

 Speaking Truths,

Paying Dues, 

Drinking Booze,

Killing Jews, 

Affecting Views,

Radicalising News,

To be beautiful is to be almost dead 

Being able to break ropes but not thread 

Many Love stories end with things being unsaid 

The reign of terror filled the people with dread 

Releasing like Dopamine in the head 

Being bewitched like Sylvia Plath into bed

Emily Dickinson saw death as lover 

Guys have a beloved since birth that is mother 

Nancy Drew always has something new to discover 

In Central Park Jogger case innocents had to suffer 

Blooming with happiness like a garden flower 

To test a man's character give him power 

Like sisyphus who kept rolling the Boulder 

Standing firm and protecting us like a soldier 

Behaving erratic like King Saul who had bipolar 

Living off borrowed time the clock ticks faster 

Being protected with dykes like Polder 

Having no remorse like John Wayne Gacy the clown killer 

Being called a

love Poet like John Donne 

Dedicating poems to her as if Anne More 

Living life with no attachments like a Nun

Waiting for the poem to be over it's just begun 

Time travelling like Butterfly Effect to get things undone 

Being a fan of Green Day hearing songs like 21 guns 

Things which i have seen now i can't see no more

Countries instead of mutual understanding going for war

Who has more nuclear power keeping a score 

Narcissus falling in love with his own shadow at shore 

Janus being the Roman God of Door 

Viola depicting herself as Cesario by the clothes she wore 

Derrida talking about the theory of Deconstruction 

Optimus Prime leading the transformers in transformation 

Calling yourself old as if the Indus Valley Civilization 

Like B.R. Ambedkar writing the caste annihilation 

Robert Malthus talking about scarcity of food and expanding population 

People still being treated on their colour leading to discrimination 


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