A World Green And Red Zones
A World Green And Red Zones

Picture of globe graffiti on the wall,
The world is now divided, it's now small,
There are two zones green and red.
Green you are safe, red you are on your bed.
The virus has forced us against the wall;
Wear masks to be safe, or else I will give a call.
You see what I am capable of?
Now you are frightend even to cough.
You have divided your world in to green,
And red,to keep me away, is what you mean
Confined to our homes we all seem.
To have lost our will to see and dream.
We shall over come this dreaded virus too,
That day is not far of we know it's true,
For that we need dedication to say,
We Will wear the mask,stay indoors, every day,
Then the green and red divisions will go;
We will go back to the world we know,
Leave behind us this virus,that was unseen.
Which divided our world to red and green.