Rohit Das



Rohit Das


A Philosopher's Night

A Philosopher's Night

1 min

Yet again, gloom kept luring..

He saw nothing but the demon's wings

Embracing the crimson hue;

Engulfing the bright melody of twilight.

Darkness wrapped the city,

But none saw through the deceptive deity.

He fathomed thoughts through the maze,

Minds that artificial glows could not enlighten.

The streetlights left him ablaze,

Fakery piercing his existence.

He screamed out at oblivion

With blood scourging his moonlit eyes,

"Rip my soul to create the faded glow!

Let me not mourn in vain!!

Hark!! This is not mirth!

Lust surrounds your senses."

Eyes protruded out,

Nerves penetrating the skin,


He trembled looking at his meal,

With welled up eyes seeing infinity.

The pot roast was dripping in his own saliva;

Which filled the cracks like wounds in a jaded heart.

The moment seized him as the mind swayed...

Far away into transcendence he travelled,

Listening to voices along the way...

"Close your eyes.

 Can you see the cradle sway?

 Can you hear the cries of emergence?

 Can you see the light my son?"

Insinuated with tremor, he shook up with a wide gaze,

Only to see the phantom wings

Leave the grip of grim;

With the light of insomnia left glowing in his room,

And the roast shrunk and dry.

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