The poor are no 'beggars', God's children; it's our duty to provide
Shelter to live, food and water to nourish; and keep them all alive!
Peaceful life, clean air, water and health care given for every one
They've human rights asking for basic needs, they deserve help!
Get together to work day and night with Nature for mutual benefits
Unity's strength, learning, education for knowledge and wisdom
Creation, discovery, invention and innovations for a bright future.
Research, technology, skills training, support for our livelihood.
Money deposited in banks are resting and produce more interest!
Rich makes big noises; buy luxury items for fun and a sheer waste
Middle class peoples working hard to earn for bread and butter
Making both ends meet is difficult as prices going through roofs!
Shortage of food; no meal in your plates! cost of prices skies high!
You may get free meals if you are lucky and live in a rich country
What about poor countries? these poor souls starve to death?
Businesses or politicians' rip them off, Money is the main cause!
Poverty's root cause of all evils and this must be eradicated first!
Let us all work; farming and food production given top priority
Life's now a real struggle and workers and families cannot suffer?
The responsible must be punished if they fail to give them food.
Life goes well if people take own responsibility and go on forward
Daily routine and life lessons must be taught when you are y
Skill education and training for jobs must be given to grownups,
New talents or interests picked up early and further support given.
PEACE begins at home, they need stability and steady progress
Families can join to-gather to make a society of true friendship
Communities join as groups to settle in villages, towns and cities
Conglomeration of people from all over making our ideal Nations!
We must create welfare states for all to live in peace and harmony.
Freedom, equality, human rights, education, jobs to keep all busy.
Work together, co-operation and labour united for work and living
Communal harmony, economic prosperity to love and respect all.
Some world big powers, countries and local heads for expansion
Conflicts created; normal life troubled, economic disparity widens.
Progress, education, developments, peace and welfare affected!
Diplomacy's best policy to end fighting, make peace and growth.
Different cultures: colour, races, religions, languages and beliefs
People get united and work for better life, co-existence and peace.
With all these in our mind, 'Non-violence' is best option to rule.
We could establish a strong Nation of an ideal governance to win?
Dr C K Krishnaswamy(UK)