Ayush Kaushik

Horror Thriller


Ayush Kaushik

Horror Thriller

A Monster Inside Me

A Monster Inside Me

2 mins

When days were young and beautiful, I was celebrating life and suddenly found a monster inside me.

He sits quietly all day long listening to my mind and injecting poison in my thoughts. Yes, there is a monster inside me.

When I sit free a monster inside me takes its toll and kills my sanity and pulls me towards the hole. Yes, there is a monster inside me.

Meeting someone is always cool until a monster inside me started to overpower me and kill it all. Yes, there is a monster inside me.

More human I become a monster inside me the envy of me even more. Yes, there is a monster inside me.

Dreams I saw and saw that a monster inside me watching th

em closely, my worst nightmare ever. Yes, there is a monster inside me.

I feel I like I love I hate and he loves the most when I feel hate. Yes, there is a monster inside me.

Too close Too soon, Too far he took me from everyone. Yes, there is a monster inside me.

People, laugh, happy I was and sad he become and waiting for his turn. Yes, there is a monster inside me.

Days past, months left, years gone, and still a monster inside me residing its own. Yes, there is a monster inside me.

Alone I was sitting quietly for some time now and a monster inside me celebrating life and days are dull and night are long. Yes, there is a monster inside me.

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