A Girl Alone
A Girl Alone

The date is 16th,
Thinking about that night scares me,
That brutal night always shakes me.
It's a cold December night,
With the moon shining bright,
Cold and harsh air can be sensed,
It's a feeling of uneasiness at first sight,
It could be because I am a girl,
An ALONE girl. Yeah, that's the problem right?
It's still a long way to go,
I am walking on an empty road,
My heart is palpitating,
It's a bit scary and haunting.
I think I saw someone's shadow,
I started walking rapidly through the meadow,
Suddenly I heard a noise, I started running
I am haunted by wild thoughts coming to mind,
tears in eyes, I gathered some courage to look back.
A sight of relief that was,
What it was a mere illusion,
It was a cat searching for her dinner in a trash container.
It was a moment of a laugh,
I don't know why such frightening thoughts came,
But if I had born as a boy,
Would I have gone through such mental agony,
The question is not about gender,
But an issue to ponder.
The irony is that I am born in a country where Devis are worshipped,
The other side is of women's hardships.
I want to fly to another place,
That is safe and warm,
So that I will never face the situation of being frown.....