Tell me why you wake up,
Maybe your reasons are valid.
I could think of them when I forget mine,
And maybe I'd want to push again,
Instead of laying back
Waiting for the air in my lungs to run out.
Why are you hurting alone,
When I'm right here, hurting too?
Why aren't we staining each other's shirts with tears?
Whisper in my ear,
Tell me you feel it too,
Tell me you're dead,
And I'll welcome you to my grave.
Hold my hand and squeeze it,
Help our veins to drain forever.
Let's watch our feelings unloading onto the floor,
And smearing our skin.
Let it be the last thing we see,
If we wake up again,
Into this world or another,
Come find me,
Tell me how was your journey,
As you hold my hand again,
Though maybe happy this time.
But if we wake up into different worlds,
Don't raise me from where I'd be,
Just sing to me.
Sing the songs that keep you going,
Sing to me why you wake up,
And don’t shut your eyes without me.