Ivana Anag Hazarika

Drama Tragedy


Ivana Anag Hazarika

Drama Tragedy

I Am Jenny Who Is A Prisoner!

I Am Jenny Who Is A Prisoner!

1 min

I wake up at dawn,

Cleaning my owner's lawn;

Making the gardens right

And the windows bright.

Then it's time,

When their Princess cries

Jenny! Jenny!

Breakfast! Breakfast!

And their Prince shouts

Telling me about-

Jenny! Jenny!

Make my clothes dry! Clothes dry!

Then my heart beats fast,

With the Landlord's haste;

Jenny! Jenny!

Make my files ready! Files ready!

Then there enters,

The real chief,

Blaming me as mischief

Jenny! Jenny!

Where were you?

There's the kitchen dirty and the floors dusty

You need to hurry! Hurry!

And it's Midnight,

When my eyes light

With the charm of Moonlit

When these people go to deep sleep;

And I enjoy relaxation

After long hours of work

But still, I weep in solitude


"Oh my Almighty,

Why am I born to be a Prisoner?

To be a Prisoner??

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