
God, why am I so white?
Milky, cream, alabaster is that right?
I am chosen just because I am fair,
What's inside no one really cares.
Oh God, why did you make me black?
I am always the last one sitting on the rack,
No one wants someone so dark,
The colour of the skin like dead tree bark.
God why did you make me so dusky?
Although I am beautiful, with a voice so husky,
It's a colour neither here nor there,
White rejects me an
d black refuses to share.
God smiled and said, my dear child,
To each one of you, I have never lied,
Yes, it's true that you all stand apart,
But it's only your looks, not your heart,
You all carry your own grace and beauty,
In every role, you also do your duty,
A daughter, a mother, a sister, a wife,
To keep everyone together, you only strive,
The colour is just a palette on the outside,
Remember what counts is the heart inside.