I Want To Fly In The Sky
I Want To Fly In The Sky
Should I care about my happiness
Or put a smile on other’s face?
Should I follow my dream
Or be a part of the same race?
Though the answer seems easier
But quiet complicated to understand,
As things doesn’t always go
The way we have planned.
But I can’t loose hope
Without even giving it a try,
I can’t wait for some miracle to happen
That can help me fly to sky.
I have the right to follow my heart
And the power to change my destiny,
I can’t let the fear of failure
Describe my own entity.
What if there exist even better options?
But for me this is the best choice.
What if there exist the invisible boundaries?
But for me those are the hurdles which can lead me to rejoice.
What if it’s different?
I have a unique purpose to serve.
What if it’s uncertain?
I do have the nerve.