Akshita Mourya



Akshita Mourya


When I Met An Alien

When I Met An Alien

1 min

One night I dreamt that i met an alien. So come on let's go into my dream. Once a night I was slepping, then suddenly I heard a very loud sound and I opened the door and saw a huge spaceship was there outside. I was tickled pink. Then a alien came out of the spaceship, I was shocked. I asked the alien his name? He said, "My name is Zuzu."
"Why have you come here Zuzu?" He said, "I have come here to see the earth from inside because I have heard that the people of earth are very kind and helpful so in came here. Ok so come let's sleep in my bedroom". Then we both went in my bedroom and fell asleep. But then in the morning my alarm clock rang and I woke up. I laughed very loudly when I came to knew that it was a dream.

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