Ishi Dokania

Children Stories Inspirational Children


Ishi Dokania

Children Stories Inspirational Children

Lilly and Her Dyslexia

Lilly and Her Dyslexia

3 mins

A young girl named Lilly was unable to read. All the letters came running towards her to attack her. It felt as if there was a battleground in the books. The letters were winning, while Lilly was losing. The poor girl did not know what to do. She felt that all the eyes were staring at her and shooting daggers at her. Kids made fun of her. She spent the afternoons in the class watching out of the window, painting beautiful pictures of the sky in her eyes and mind. All she wanted was a tiny bit of love and recognition which she truly deserved. She did not like being judged based on her inability to read and write. 

As usual, while she was lost in her daydreams, the teacher called out screaming, "Why aren't you reading? What is the matter? It is a simple task." All the discouragement made her lose hope. She wanted to hide under the table. She wished to avoid all the piercing glances. She wished to ignore the teacher's comment. She felt hopeless. She wanted someone to help her but she knew it was too much to ask. They would just make fun of her. Her life was hopeless. The teacher thought, "she has started this again pretending that she can't read. she deserves a punishment." The teacher said, "Lilly this is enough. Sit down. I will talk to you in the recess." 

Soon the break time came, and Lilly headed to meet her English teacher, Miss Watson. Miss Watson said, "Lilly why don't you read in class? I know you have the potential to do so. Why don't you?" Miss Watson was a kind and observant lady who had the potential to recognize the hidden talents of the kids. She could easily gaze at the intelligence of a child through short conversations. She looked like a sweet motherly figure who could see through the students' hearts and minds and help them sort out their problems. She had been hearing whispers about Lilly and her poor performance from other teachers right from the day she joined the school.

Lilly said, "Miss Watson all the letters are dancing. The spelling looks like anagrams. The word "Thunder" will appear like "Thunder." Each time it is different. I don't know what to do." Miss Watson replied, "I see. It looks like you are dyslexic" Lilly said, "What?!" Miss Watson responded, "Dyslexic. People who suffer from dyslexia are called dyslexics." Lilly asked, "Is there any cure?" Miss Watson replied, "Well there are therapies which can cure dyslexia." Lilly said, "Really! Thank you, Miss Watson." With that, she left the room. For the first time in her life, Lilly was feeling hopeful. Hope was visible in her eyes. 

When she reached home, she quickly ran to find her mother. She tells her mother about her conversation with Mrs Watson. Her mother says" If that's true, then I will search for therapies. We need to cure this. Isn't it, your dream to be at the top of the class and shut up those bullies? Lilly replied "YES" Over the next few months, Lilly worked hard with the therapist and she learned the skill to read or write correctly fighting her dyslexia and discovering her strengths. She finds herself to be a gifted orator and a talented painter. Her ideas are creative and the first of their kind. With this newfound confidence, she faced the exams. She did her best. On the result day, Lilly was shocked to find out She had topped the grade. Everyone was surprised to see this.

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