Sneha Chatterjee

Drama Inspirational Others


Sneha Chatterjee

Drama Inspirational Others

Weight Lifting Challenge

Weight Lifting Challenge

4 mins

Sameeksha is a 25-year-old woman, she is a house wife and mother of a 3-year-old. Her husband works as a labourer and hence stays out of town for more than 6 months. Sameeksha on the other hand has the responsibility of her kid and her-in-laws, her mother-in-law is a very strict woman and she thinks women can never compete with men and are fit only for doing household chores and looking after the family.

Her father-in-law is a labourer as well and works hard but cannot go for towns anymore. He believes women are Maa Lakshmi and are better than men and can take any form they want to.

Sameeksha does the household chores and also teaches her kid as she has studied upto her 10th standard. Her mother-in-law doesn't like Sameeksha teaching her kid as she thinks Sameeksha will be over smart and may speak against her. Sameeksha also stitches clothes for others to earn and earns enough to fulfill her own needs.

One day, her husband was stuck in city which was 700km far from their town and he had run out of cash and was in urgent need of money as he was in jail and said "Sameeksha help me! I am in problem". Sameeksha had saved a little and offered him but he needed a huge amount as he was in some sort of problem and police wouldn't leave him without paying fine. Her in-laws were tensed and didn't have anything. Sameeksha didn't know what to do? She was crying and her son came back from playing and was making an airplane with paper. It fell onto Sameeksha and she read the pamphlet. It was about an weight lifting challenge for women and the winner would be given a handsome cash prize. Sameeksha thought she would participate in this and help her husband. She didn't inform her mother-in-law. When she told her father-in-law, he was stunned because weight lifting was a tough challenge but he said "Sameeksha Beta, it's time to prove your self, Women are no less than men, You only need will" and blessed her.

Sameeksha with her will and hope to help her husband would everyday practice by lifting heavy stones and gas cylinders. She used practiced day and night and would also try lifting cycles in one hand. She had to eat a little more than usual to get energy, seeing this her mother-in-law would scold her telling "What a wife? Her husband is in trouble and she is eating here". Sameeksha felt bad but she didn't give up and now she was stronger than ever.

On the day of the competition, she went there and everybody was staring at her. She didn't know what was wrong with her and then a women said she was in saree which would make her uncomfortable in lifting weight and so everyone was staring at her. Sameeksha didn't bother she knew her aim and she lifted the heaviest 65kg weight and won the challenge. Her mother-in-law got to know about this and said"Oh my god, you didn't even inform and how dare you do all this?"

Her father-in-law stopped her and said "Respect her she is a woman like you or a woman with will and courage and she is much better than you! She practised hard using cylinders and cycles unlike the others who went to the gym or wore comfortable clothes. She won wearing a saree and she participated in the challenge not to get name but for your son. Your son is in jail because he was caught robbing gold. Sameeksha is much better than your son, she is my daughter". Her mother-in-law was in tears and ashamed of herself. She asked for forgiveness from Sameeksha and Sameeksha said "No, no please don't ask for forgiveness you are elder to me, just bless me! ", they hugged each other.

Sameeksha's prize amount wasn't used in getting her husband out but to make Sameeksha a champion of weight lifting which her mother-in-law wanted as she knew her son didn't deserve coming out of jail.

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