



Two Birds

Two Birds

2 mins

There was a little bird wandering for food in the forest. It was so tired and couldn't fly anymore, so it sat on a nearby tree. A crow, passing the tree saw the little bird sitting alone and sad. Crow went to the little bird and asked what happened? I am so tired and hungry replied little bird. Crow felt pity for the little bird and flew away to get some food. Sometime later crow brought some food and the bird had food. Little bird felt so happy and impressed with the crow's helping nature. Both of them introduced themselves and started chatting. Both the birds felt comfortable with each other's company. They went into deep discussions and they didn't notice the time. Later they got to know it's getting dark and left on their ways. Next day the little bird came and sat on the same tree expecting the crow to come. To its surprise, the crow also came to the same place signing "kaw kaw". Daily both birds use to meet at the same place chit-chatting, playing, eating. One day there was heavy rain pouring and there was an

emergency for the crow to leave the place and go. Little bird was not happy with crow's decision and was not ready to allow the crow to flew alone. After a long discussion crow accepted the little bird company. Both the birds started to fly but due to heavy rains little bird couldn't fly as fast as crow. All of a sudden there came a big thunderstorm in the sky. Little bird collapsed down into the forest due light flash on it. Crow couldn't notice what's happening around due pouring rain and flew a bit far. After sometime there was clear sky, so the crow turned to see the little bird. It couldn't find the little one nearby. Crow flew back its way for the little one shouted "kaw kaw kaw" but it couldn't find the little bird anywhere. Crow shouted, cried and cursed itself that everything happened and lost its friend because of it. From that day the crow waited on the tree hoping that the little bird will come for sure.

Maybe one day when the little bird gets its will meet its friend.

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