Krishna for Radha
Krishna for Radha

Wedding day evening of Krishna and Radha... everyone is tied up with some work rushing things and a lot of hubbub going on in the wedding are running here and there playing hide and seek. F.I.L (father-in-law, Krishna's father) who is feeling a frisson of excitement about the D.I.L (daughter-in-law, Radha) who is going to be a part of their family in few seconds, who is going to be their daughter and mother of the house in few seconds should be blissful always joining their family and son should take care of her of like his mother.
Krishna tied the knot according to the schedule and all the wedding process went very well. F.I.L, eyes were filled with joy and blessed the couple to be happy. Radha who feels highly strung of her new life, new family and life partner entered Krishna's house. Seeing Radha tensed, Krishna said, believe me, you are angel our house, we won't let you be down anytime and the newly married couple started their new life. Everything was going well, it's one month they are married but Radha.
F.I.L was very happy with Radha who is taking care of his small family very well. Krisna wants to prove that she is the angel of this house, morning Krishna sat b
eside his father in the sofa reading the newspaper sipping coffee given by Radha and suddenly yelled at Radha with some bad words regarding coffee. F.I.L and Radha were very shocked by Krishna's behavior and F.I.L shouted at Krishna saying "Is this the way you treat a woman"? She is our mother and our angel now and how can you behave this way to your mother and asked Krishna to apologise Radha. Krishna was not ready to apologise and went inside the bedroom. F.I.L came to Radha, who is already into tears and asked for apologies on behalf of Krishna. F.I.L said to Radha that Krishna is a very good person, he never behaved this way earlier, will talk with Krishna to make sure he will not repeat this in future and promised nothing could ever go wrong. Radha wiped her tears feeling blessed for that F.I.L is very supportive and taking care of her like an angel.
Radha went to the bedroom , Krishna dragged Radha into the room closing the door and turned with a smile and said " I told that you are our angel and F.I.L will be your father. Now do you believe me?".
Radha was shocked and happy for what Krishna has done to make her feel that it's her family.
PS: Krishna does not have a mother