Seema Tiwari

Drama Fantasy Others


Seema Tiwari

Drama Fantasy Others

Timeless Friendship!

Timeless Friendship!

1 min

Samaira and Sana were commemorating friendship day by eating lunch together, checking up on each other's life, and cherishing their childhood friendship. Suddenly, a waiter approached them and gave Samaira a napkin. They were both surprised to receive another note, zindagi mili toh fir milenge, in which her ex-boyfriend's name was written. When she asked the server who gave him the napkins, she was told, "I'm just the messenger; I have no idea who's behind these notes. "I apologize and ask for your pardon.

When Sana questioned Samaira, her face turned crimson and blue, and she was perspiring. Now what, Samaira? Samaira said, "I'm going to die, o

r what?" Sana begged the waiter to stop. Why do you fear the person responsible for all of this so much? Since a few years ago, he has been slowly poisoning me, my dear. I tried to commit suicide a few times but failed. They both laughed as they sighed off, "Samaira you mad said Sana, I already know say something new."

Samaira and Sana were childhood friends. Sana is worried about Samaira despite the fact that they never keep anything from one another. The hints that keep coming her way from various places. Concerned for both her physical and mental welfare. Those who maintain the same friendships throughout their lives are fortunate.

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