Time up
Time up

" Every property will be controlled through my wife "
Nobody can't capture ownership until her opinion
The law protects her wants to live...
The legal advisor successfully read in front of three young people...
" The property document concludes with a meaningless hope ".
Isn't any problem for you?
Mr. Legal Advisor, kindly leave here...
Ok, But the property document can't be manipulated for your favourable .....
Leave from here......
A louder voice response ......
The legal advisor leaves here for better needs ......
" Mike, what's your opinion of taking care of our mother?
Sunny, you didn't worry about the business tasks and strategies....
I will take care of her life for better things....
Don't forget your professional career. ..
Our mother always safety through my hands ....
Dennis, kindly live with your own family...
The discussion of three sons has ignored their precious session for something ......
Now it's the afternoon session
Mom, did you need anything else for happiness?
Nothing Mike .....
But I have brought some delicious food for you...
Kindly be satisfied with your tummy...
Mike requested without an annoying face...
Surely considered your wish...<
Thanks, Mom.....
" Mom, this is your favourite reading book.....
Now read for forming a pleasurable atmosphere
The mom reading with an honest face ....
Sunny impressed her without fail...
Dennis, enough for your love and support of money ........
Six months completed
Everyone successfully impressed their mom with the care of the contest ....
My dear sons, tomorrow morning there will be an important opinion from me ....
Be prepared for your time...
The three pleasure faces didn't argue for this moment
" My dear sons, today is your father's memory day.
Did anyone remember for refreshing your actions...
My husband who lived for a decade in an old aged home can't be forgettable from your memory
Does anyone inquire about his condition?
The silent response...
Nobody is willing to take care of your father for something .......
Now, each of you provides impressive performance for favourable wants .....
Now it's a good session for revealing the truth of property documents...
" The last savings of your father has been sent to an old aged home .... "
But you can't be worried about taking care of me ...
Your time is up very soon...
All the best .....
The three sons left from here for rewinding their actions....