The STEM academy
The STEM academy

The meet upThe exam times, The misunderstanding, The announcement, The new journey, Preface
The STEM academy is filled with a lot of new adventures and fun relationships of 3 friends with some mockers of the Teacher N Son Jodi, It is gonna be new journeys, with new morals and I humbly invite you to this Sweet N Bitter ride!
I have written this book taking out my time and letting my imagination flow and I have seen my imagination flow till relationships, drama, Masti, and adventures!
I hope you will have the best time of your life!
Chapter 1
“The meet up”
Sofia: Hey I am Sofia; do you know where is the 9th class? Rohan: (ignores) I don’t have time for such silly people and waste of time! Huh. Sofia: (Whispers) Are there these types of students at STEM academy! Stacie: (Appears suddenly) Well, not all of us. Sofia: Oh, hi. I didn’t mean to hurt you; I just felt a little aghast to see that impolite and nasty boy! Stacie: Oh, he. Don’t take it at heart his behaviour is the same all the time! We can’t say anything to him because he is 9th class teacher’s son! Sofia: Oh, then it is going to be a pretty tough time my first year itself. Stacie: So you mean you are also in 9th A, then maybe we should be prepared! Sofia: That means you are my classmate, found a friend soon, can you guide me there, please? Stacie: Of course! Both: (suddenly Aditya dashes with his books from behind with his books) Ouch! Aditya: Oh, I am so sorry! I just had too many books with me and secondly I am a new student and I was looking for someone to guide me to 9th A. Stacie: That’s never a problem, let me help you we are also in the same section. Sofia: Yes. Nice to meet you. I am Sofia and she is Stacie my new and first friend in this school. Aditya: Hi Stacie, Sofia. I am sorry I forgot to introduce myself, I am Aditya. Glad to meet you both.
Stacie: Lets head towards the class now, its time. Sofia: Yup you are right! Stacie: There it is. Aditya: I see, the class is at the left side. I hope it has a good Vastu. Sofia: I guess you are from India? Stacie: I am sure you are! Aditya: Yes I am, but how do you guys notice? Stacie, Sofia: (Together) Haha.
Sofia: Can I ask you a question Stacie? Aren’t you the head girl of STEM Academy? Stacie: Umm Maybe, this year elections are pending…
Sofia: Oh, it is never a problem for you! I am sure you will only win this year! Stacie: Fingers cross(Chuckles) Aditya: Girls if your talks are over can we head towards the class, I don’t want to late the first day. Stacie: Pardon me, Now let’s go!
(They all head towards the class meeting their science teacher Mrs. Sharma waiting for them instead of the class teacher Mrs. Reardon)
Mrs. Sharma: Hello, class. I am really glad to meet you all! I hope you all are excited, aren’t you?
All students: Of course mam! Felicity(Class member): Mam especially when you are our class teacher, that’s the best thing. Mrs. Sharma: Thank you Felicity but I am afraid I am not, Mrs. Reardon is your class teacher. Felicity: But mam the class teacher must welcome us, isn’t it? Mrs. Sharma: She must be busy, that’s why I am here to welcome you all. Don’t feel bad. Felicity: No problem mam, we are waiting for our first class! Mrs. Sharma: That’s so nice of you. Stacie: Excuse me ma’am, there are some new students with us. Mrs. Sharma: Oh Well, lets welcome our new friends and classmates; Sofia and Aditya. Please have a seat. (Aditya goes near the Rohan whom he didn’t knew before that he was not a friendly person.) Aditya: Hello, can I sit beside you? Rohan: Nah, I don’t sit near fools, you better find your seat back! Aditya: (Shrugs)(Whispers to Stacie): Is he like this only? Stacie: (Chuckles) Always. Ignore him. Sofia: We all will deal with him together some other time!
Chapter 2
“Exam Time”
Sofia: Hey Stacie its good you are here, look at Aditya! Stacie: Why, what happened to him? Sofia; You will understand once you see him!(They both move to the classroom, near Aditya) Aditya: (Mutters and talks to himself) Hurray, its finally here! Stacie: What happened Aditya, is someone coming? Sofia: Aditya! Stacie is asking something. Stacie: Aditya! Are you even here! Aditya: Oh, I am so sorry. What happened? Stacie: Aditya, is someone coming? Aditya: Nope! Sofia: Then why are you repeatedly saying “Finally they are here”? Aditya: Oh that, it’s very exciting I will directly show you, See there! Stacie: Sheesh, you were talking about the exams!
Aditya: Exactly, isn’t it an exciting news! Sofia: Seriously, it means you are very much exam orientated person, right? Aditya: Hey, don’t say that. Once you also enjoy exams just like I do, then you will also love exams! Stacie: I like exams but you reacted just like you won a lottery(Chuckles) Sofia: Exactly!
Aditya: But at least it’s a good chance to prove ourselves to the school and mostly for us a we are new admissions. Sofia: Point to be noted! Stacie: Yes-yes. Now let’s move to the class or we will prove them we are late comers! Sofia, Aditya: haha. (They move to the class; it was maths period.) Mrs. Reardon: So class how are you? All students: Fine ma’am. Aditya: (Raises hand) Mam can you please introduce us to the exam time table. Mrs. Reardon: I will Aditya but do not speak in the middle of the class. Stacie: But ma’am he raised his hand. Mrs. Reardon: Stacie you shouldn’t speak in the middle. Stacie: Sorry ma’am, but… Mrs. Reardon: Quiet. Rohan: Mam they are fools, haha. Mrs. Reardon: Hahaha. Sofia: (Whispers to Stacie) Now who said in the middle? Stacie: whether or not, forget it. Sofia: grumps. (After the class) Sofia: Aditya aren’t you coming for break? Stacie: Yup, what are you doing?
Aditya: Ummm, you both continue I have to complete the potion of science; Science exam is just 2 days away. Stacie: But you must take a break to stay refreshed. Aditya: Right, I will just be there in a minute. Sofia: K, as you wish. (Mrs, Reardon, and Rohan peeking from behind) Rohan: See mom he is studying so much, I don’t want him to top the exams!
Mrs. Reardon: Oh don’t worry dear, I will deal with him! Rohan: That’s like my mum! (Mrs. Reardon goes to Aditya) Mrs. Reardon: Hello dear Aditya, I am so sorry for what happened in the class today. Aditya: No problem ma’am. Mrs. Reardon: Are you sure dear? Aditya: yes ma’am. Mrs. Reardon: That’s like my boy! What are you doing? Aditya; Ma’am just studying for the next exam. Mrs. Reardon: Oh dear you are so studious, well done. Aditya: Thanks, ma’am. Mrs. Reardon: But dear can you help me with something? Aditya: Anything ma’am. Mrs. Reardon: I knew you would not say no. Actually, I have to make the corrections to these books can you make them? Aditya: Ummmm. Mrs. Reardon: (Interrupts) Thanks a lot dear. Here they are, do it correctly. Aditya: Sure ma’am.
Stacie: What happened Aditya, you didn’t come for lunch and you look very upset too? Aditya: Ummm its just that Mrs. Reardon…., Sofia: (Interrupts and shouts) Mrs. Reardon! I knew she is not right from the start itself! Stacie: Wait Sofia, Let Aditya complete his talk at least. Sofia: Whatever! Aditya: Mrs. Reardon just gave me all these books and told me to correct all the mistakes and I am really worried till I complete all these corrections the science exam will arrive and I will have no time to study for the science exam. Sofia: See I told you both Mrs. Reardon is really up to something. Stacie: Now we don’t have time to think about all this, how we should do all these corrections within time? Aditya: You both don’t waste your time, it’s my mistake, I should have said no. Sofia: huh, teacher’s pet! Stacie: Sofia, you should help him not demotivate him. Sofia: Guys- Guys I have an idea! Aditya: Really then please give voice to it fast! Sofia: Just in the way there are corrections automatically why don’t we scan all the copies then copy the text paste it in word document and then follow up the corrections and then print the pages it will be completed in less than one day.
Aditya; That’s astonishing! Sofia; I know, my ideas are the best. Aditya: I was telling that its astonishing that you thought an idea, that too an idea that works, haha. Sofia: huh, Now I have to help you also and listen to your worst comments also. Aditya: I am sorry I was just joking! But the idea is really great! Stacie: Shall we start working on it? Aditya: Yes. I will scan the pages.., Sofia: I will check weather the computer lab is free or not. Stacie: I shall help Aditya and start doing the corrections and print them. (They all get set doing their work finally their prints are ready!)
Stacie: Guys the corrections are over! Sofia: Wow, too early? Stacie: Yup, Aditya also helped me. Sofia: Great did you get the prints? Stacie: Oops forgot. Aditya: There is a problem guys! Sofia: What happened now? Aditya: On all the pages there was the signature of Mrs. Reardon and it didn’t get scanned! Stacie: It's good I didn’t print them or else all the papers would be wasted! Sofia: Its nothing to worry we will crop her signature and paste it in the footer, what say? Stacie: Yup, Aditya did you bring the papers? Aditya: yes! Sofia: Guys corrections are done, Stacie can you print those? Stacie: yes, will get them in a moment!
Guys here are the prints! Aditya: Oh yes! I will just give it to Mrs. Reardon,(angrily) She thinks she is over smart! Sofia: No you will not and especially you are not at all smart! Aditya: I didn’t get your point? Sofia: Oh dear idiot if you give these prints to ma’am she will try to find out another reason to not let us study! Aditya: But why she doesn’t want us to study! Stacie: Of course because she wants his son to top the class, not you! Sofia: Exactly! You are only a bookworm Aditya you must improve your logical ability. Aditya: Whatever I will work on it and I will submit the papers to her after 3-4 days. Stacie: Good.
Stacie: Now we must get studying for the exam. Sofia: Yup, buh- bye. Aditya: Bye everyone
(The exam day) Aditya:- Hello mam, here is the work you gave me, it's done. Mrs. Reardon:- Oh dear, thank you. I hope you are ready for the exam. (Chuckles by mistake) Aditya:- Maybe. Mrs. Reardon:- All the best Aditya. (Aditya goes to his friends) Aditya:- (Mimics)hello commander mission completed, mission completed, over and out (Laughs out loud)
Sofia, Stacie:- (Chuckles) Ready for the exam? Aditya:- Yup. All the best to you both. Stacie;- Same to you. Sofia:- Thanks, same to you.
(The exam ends with a good note, they all passed of course with A+)
Chapter 3
“The misunderstanding”
Sofia:- Hello Aditya, sup! Aditya:-Hey Sofia, umm you know I didn’t hear from Stacie lately; did you see her? Sofia:- I was about to ask you the same. Where is she? Aditya:- I don’t know, but I am worried about her. Sofia:- Why did something happen. Aditya:- It’s the fact that I saw her last with Rohan
Sofia:- Then I am damn sure something is wrong and I think Rohan is the one who is distracting Stacie from her studies Aditya:- Exactly and as we are looking for what the matter is he is indirectly also wasting our time so we should find out what’s the matter as soon as possible. Sofia:- No doubt sooner or later, yes but first sees the clock it’s time for class. Aditya:- Hey look there, Stacie is standing near the canteen. Sofia:- Then why are you standing, lets go to her. (They both run to Stacie) Sofia:- Hey Stacie, didn’t hear from you lately, where were you? Stacie:- I was just a little busy. I have some work will talk to you later. Aditya:- But where are you off to? Stacie:- I don’t think it's necessary to explain everything. (Stacie walks away) Sofia:- She was rude! Aditya:- I know, but I think something is going in her mind… Sofia:- I was thinking the same, Investigation mode on! (Chuckles) Aditya:- Aditya reporting boss! Sofia:- Not now after class. Aditya:- Yes boss. Sofia:- (Chuckles)Now run to class, stupid. Aditya:- (Shouts) Yes boss! (They both rush to class)
Mrs. Reardon:- Hello VIPs, do you even know what time is it? Aditya:- Sorry mam, actually we were busy with something. Mrs. Reardon:- Oh really, more important than class? Sofia:- No mam, it was just that…. Mrs. Reardon:- (Interrupts )Hold your tongue and take your seat! Sofia:- Yes mam. (Aditya notices Stacie sitting with Rohan) Aditya:- (Whispers)Sofia see there, Stacie is sitting with Rohan. Sofia:- Can we please talk after class? Aditya:- fine.(The class gets dismissed)Aditya(run
s to Sofia):- Sofia so this is what I was saying that.. Sofia:- (interrupts annoyingly) Do you have a crush on Stacie? Aditya:- Why are you saying so? Sofia:- Because I think you do, why does she require so much importance? Even if she sits with Rohan then why is it itching you? If you are here for running back and forth with Stacie then please I am not here for all this stuff, now please excuse me!(After this conversation Aditya stands still for a while and then leaves the place, after this situation, they all don’t talk till a week but then a day Sofia talks to Aditya)Sofia:- I am Sorry Aditya, I over reacted that day, Actually It's not that I don’t like Stacie, It’s just that I didn’t like you giving her so much importance, Now I think we should take a look at what is going on with Stacie. Aditya:- Yeah, we should surely take a look there and forget about that matter.(Aditya and Sofia now are all set and start noticing Rohan and Sofia as they already know there is surely something fishy with Rohan and one day they finally see Rohan and Mrs. Reardon talking)Sofia:- Aditya see there are Mrs. Reardon and Rohan talking, quick call Stacie! Aditya:- But don’t you think we should see that what they are talking and then call Stacie? Sofia:- Just do as I say, Call Stacie Fast! Aditya:-uh Fine.(Aditya Runs to Stacie and quick asks her to come with him though Stacie tries to question but still goes with him and see what was happening and then finally those 3 listen to what were the Reardons talking about and then go to the canteen to talk)Aditya:- I didn’t understand what was happening there they just said that “Finally the board trick is working and our plan is a success “which plan they were talking about? Stacie:- um actually now I understood what was happening. Actually, the day when Rohan came to me he said that Mrs. Reardon was calling me and as I went to her she showed me the board that was filled with abusive words and drawing and told that I was the one to do it and said Aditya and Sofia were the evidence and then punished me with tons of Extra work & as I didn’t do any such thing I was disheartened and then Rohan also came to me and said that you two new students have been betraying me so I started believing him and then kept ignoring you both, I am sorry I should have spoken to you both first and I know that you both also must be mad at me, right?
Sofia:- No Stacie, we are not, just keep in mind that we are your friends and do talk to us before confirming anything. Stacie:- For sure and I am right now also feeling so grateful that you both care so much about me! Sofia:- Actually Aditya was more worried than me, Right Aditya? (chuckles)
Aditya:- (Blushes and stammers) Common guys, ow keeping aside the drama, Sofia how did you know that Stacie would understand everything rather than us? Sofia:- It was obvious because she was the only one who knew what was happening around her because she didn’t tell us what she was going through, right? Aditya:- Oh, now I get it. Sofia:- Such a halfwit you are!(Chuckles)
(Another chapter came to an end and finally, they all were friends again but now was a time for another event to enter their life
Chapter 4
“The announcement”
(It was another day in the teen's life but this time they had an important announcement to see that would change their lives, It would be pinned up on the Notice board stating:- “There is going to be a science contest held for classes 8th-12th where each student gets a chance to showcase his/her inventions where best 10 entries get selected for the next round where they will meet a well-known Scientist Vikram Kumar and have a panel discussion to test their knowledge from which Vikram Kumar will select top 3 and they will win an exciting trip to NASA and work as an intern in the most exciting research- The space vision and also get featured on the international Television as the Space Timers” This news was sizzling in the whole school and of course went till the ears of Stacie, Sofia, and Aditya ) Aditya:- Guys did you all hear about the science contest, I am so very excited! Sofia:- Yeah, I am also excited, its so amazing to get featured on television, yay! Aditya:- Ummm. Actually, I was excited to go to NASA instead of getting featured on TV. Stacie:- How does it even matter, at least you both are looking forward for the same contest. Aditya:- Yup, that’s right, aren’t you contesting? Stacie:- Yes, in fact, I even started filling the form. Sofia:- But we didn’t receive any forms yet? Aditya:- Yes, are all the forms out of stock? Stacie:- Noah, Actually I was given the stock of forms which I had to distribute. Sofia:- Oh, that’s fine, need some help to do it?
Stacie:- I was about to ask you the same, lets distribute them in the break time near the 3rd-floor corridor, wt. say?
Aditya:- Can I join you guys too? Stacie:- For sure!(As these 3 were talking, Rohan enters and walks towards Stacie)Rohan:-Hey Stacie, what are you doing with these fraud friends?
Stacie:- Hold your tongue think before you speak anything about my friends. Sofia:- And also we now know who is a betrayer and who is a real friend. Rohan:- Oh really, anyways, I am not here to waste my time, just make sure to give the forms away don’t try to act smart. Stacie:- We don’t need someone to remind us of our responsibilities, we are smart enough to remember so. Rohan:- Duh, whatever(Walks out) Sofia:- Guys, let's go for a refreshment near the canteen, wt say? Aditya:- For sure, who could possibly say no. Stacie:- Fine, let's go, this time it's my treat. Sofia:- No offense at all(Chuckles){They go to the canteen and buy a few refreshments and start talking about their inventions }Sofia:- I think I could possibly make something related to Social Media. Aditya:- Uhm and I think I will make something related to robotics it was always my dream, Stacie you look quiet, what's the matter? Stacie:- Actually I have never been fascinated by Science, it’s a great subject but I don’t think this is the place where I find my passion, I actually wanted to be an actor but my parents always fill my mind that studious students shouldn’t be an actor ad said that I should look forward to being a scientist or doctor or engineer. Sofia:- Then why don’t you tell your parents that you aren’t interested or you aren’t passionate about going into these kinds of professions and you should explain to them that your desire is to be an actor, shouldn’t you? Stacie:- Umhmm, but the moment I think of explaining I just think they will not like this argument, anyways sorry for distracting you all. Sofia:- (interrupts) No Problem, but I think this professional matter is a serious issue. Stacie:- I know, anyway, let's all take a leave and work on our inventions, bye guys! Aditya:-bye Sofia:- See you all soon
(This time the day did not end on a good note but instead made everyone curious, Stacie went home sorrowfully but still worked on her invention rather than talking to her parents, and Sofia and Aditya also worked on their invention but also thought about a way through which they could help Stacie, A week passed and the competition day was here and all the students were there with their inventions in the main auditorium).
Sofia:- (Calls Stacie from a distance)Heyy, Stacie, here-here. Stacie:- Oh hi Sofia, I see you very excited ready with your invention? Sofia:- Yess I am, shall I show it to you? Stacie:- My eyes are peeled! Sofia:- So here it is! This is a mobile Application that can help you promote your businesses and channel etc-etc. Stacie:- Oooh, that sounds something fabulous! Sofia:- Umhmm, it is! But what about you, what did you make, I know it must be something wonderful, what's it? Stacie:- Actually it’s a simple power generator, the device is in the garage of the school, So I think you will get to see it during the competition itself. Sofia:- No doubt it’s going to be something fascinating! (Both chuckle)[Meanwhile there was Rohan who overheard them and then miserably walked to his class alone, he was feeling kinda useless and left out, after seeing all the other cool inventions he was disheartened because he thought that he was not creative enough as he just made a water purifier and that was pretty much common between everyone and then suddenly Stacie walks inside]Stacie:-(In a mocking manner) OH, so the coolest lad of the school is sitting alone today huh?(When Rohan doesn’t reply and stays quiet for a while Stacie realizes that there is something surely wrong with Rohan and then chooses to talk politely and understand the matter)Stacie:- Hey, is something wrong Rohan:- (Annoyingly)Even if it is, how does it matter to you? Stacie:- Listen, I am sorry, I didn’t mean to hurt you, you can tell me if there is anything wrong. Rohan:-(Suddenly starts crying)Actually the matter is everything is wrong, I don’t have any true friends as you do, People talk to me only because I am the son of a teacher and I am useless, for this contest what I could possibly make was a simple water filter that too I saw the procedure on internet, I am ashamed of myself, I really wanted to go through this contest but there was no one to help me or to guide me. Stacie:- Hey, Stop crying, I know how you feel, I have an amazing Idea that will help us both.
Chapter 5
“The new journeys”
Meanwhile, when Stacie was talking to Rohan, Aditya was talking to Sofia about his invention that was quite breath-taking and after that, all of the students gathered for the contest except Stacie, Sofia, and Aditya were looking for Stacie everywhere but couldn’t find her and had no choice rather than taking part in the contest and then look for her, Now it was the time for the contest to start everyone gathered at hall and Sofia was shocked after seeing Rohan getting a gadget that somewhat looked like a cycle and she remembered that this was the project that Stacie was telling her about and then she ran to Rohan and started arguing. Sofia:- Hey, trying to act over smart huh, this is Stacie’s Project, tell me what have you done with Stacie, where is she, spit it out! Rohan:- Calm down, let me explain
Sofia:- So now you are trying to drag me to different topics huh, just tell me where is Stacie! Rohan:- I knew you would not listen to me, so just see this video clip.
(As soon as the clip starts Sofia calls Aditya and even shows him the clip in which they see Stacie saying that:-
“Hey, Sofia, Aditya or anyone who is listening to this clip, I know it’s weird to get disappeared suddenly, firstly I would like to say that dot blame Rohan because when I talked to him I found that he is good at heart and he really needs some friends that can support him and I know you all will help him and secondly I am the one who gave him my project as I know he is talented and with some push he can be a great person and talking about me, well, I have understood that how important it is to follow one’s passion and so I finally have the courage to talk to my parents so I am returning to San Francisco with my parents and the plus point is, it has an amazing well-known acting school, It was a great journey with you guys, It been the best time of my life, I couldn’t face saying good-byes to all of you, so I am leaving without informing any one of you and I know that Sofia, Aditya, and Rohan are going to make a great team, Bye ad best of luck!” After this clip their eyes were full of tears, they had mixed feelings, they were even happy for her and even sad that one of their friends left and soon the bell for the competition rings)Principal:- I request all the contestants to gather here in a queue and present themselves one by one. (All the contestants gathered the first one was Sofia, she gave a wonderful presentation and after a few turns when there was Aditya’s turn and his card was getting reviewed, He was dragged out of the queue)Security:- I am sorry but you aren’t eligible for the competition, this competition is only for the people with their nationality in America ad as I see you are from India. Aditya:- (Aggressively)But it wasn’t said so, please try to understand I have made this working day and night.Security Guard:- Don’t worry you can still contest from India(This was a time when it felt that the time has stopped for a minute after the contest ended there was kinda an emotional conversation between Sofia and Aditya and now Aditya also decided to return to India and compete from there and this one day changed the lives of many people and led them to new journeys, don’t worry it was not a sad ending but instead it was an ending that would lead to a happy start!)