Yukta Ranjalkar

Drama Tragedy


Yukta Ranjalkar

Drama Tragedy

The Science Project

The Science Project

4 mins

"I don't know what to do! Can't we skip it?"

"No, the science fair is compulsory. Look around- everyone is doing something! Charlie and Justin have made a volcano eruption model... Selena and Andrew have made a torch... Taylor and Harry have made an electricity model. Others have also made so many things. We are the only ones who haven't done anything."

Katy stared at her science partner, Liam. She said, "Well, aren't you supposed to be the topper?"

Liam said defensively, "I can learn anything, but I've never, ever been good at logical stuff, like science and mathematics. And, I thought you were supposed to be good at logic?", squinting at her.

Katy said, sounding stupid and bored, "Oh well. This is gonna be awkward."

"What is?"

 "I might've lied so I could get paired up with you... just... might've.."

 How could you! I need to complain to the Headmistress! HOW DARE YOU, KATY?"

"Oh come on, we'll dream up something easy!"

"I don't need easy stuff, I need the best! I- can't- get- a- low- GRADE!"

"Stop shouting!"

"NO!" Liam screamed at her and walked away.

Katy felt terrible. She couldn't believe how much she had upset someone. She decided to make a science project on her own and get a good grade for herself and Liam. So she got started.

She decided to do something that would be very difficult- but would get her an A, along with Liam.

She decided to make an oven. It sounded completely crazy at first, but she would do it.

She had learnt about insulation last year in physics. She went to a junk store, bought about a dozen huge pieces of strong plastic. She made an open cuboid using plastic. And she made a smaller closed one using the same material. She filled the space between the cuboids when she put the smaller one into a big one with wool. She stuck a cell holder at the back and attached some wires to it. Those wires she stuck to a little heater. She stole a cake tray from her mom's kitchen and attached it inside the oven. Lastly, she put a wire-gauzed glass piece on the bigger cuboid. She put a cell inside the cell holder. She took a little cup of milk and put it inside the oven. She made a door using plastic and attached it to the model.

Her heart beating fast, she slowly pressed the button.

Liam, meanwhile, felt a little guilty about getting so angry at Katy. But it wasn't really his fault, he thought. How dare she fake something and cause misery to him?

But then, they'd been friends for a while now. Their moms were what you call t

otal best friends forever. He really couldn't ignore her, how much ever he wanted to. The thought of her seemed to light him on fire.

 He set about making his own project. He got some little playing plastic cups and a few wooden sticks from the store and created a small Ferris wheel with them. And within a few hours of paperwork, his hydro-electrical project work was ready. He would use another little cup filled with water to demonstrate it. But this just wasn't fair. All the work was done by him, and Katy would get a good grade for no effort. His chain of thought was broken as his mother, Lennon's phone rang. "Hey, MacKenzie!" Liam fumed again. MacKenzie was Katy's mother. "Oh my God! How on Earth did it happen? Oh my God... how is she? Yes, yes, I think he'll like to see her." Lennon put the phone down and rushed to Liam's room. She said, "Liam... MacKenzie doesn't know how.. but... don't freak out... Katy is in the hospital."

The words hit Liam like a bullet. "WHAT? HOW!?" Lennon said quietly, "Third-degree burns." Liam said, "C-Can we go see her?"

"Yes, we should. In fact, MacKenzie said Katy wanted to talk to you. Alone."

Throughout the whole car ride, Liam was burning with guilt and grief. Many thoughts came to his mind. Did she cause the burns purposely? Was it his fault? How? Why? What had he done wrong?

When they reached the hospital, they found MacKenzie crying. The doctor looked at Liam and Lennon and said, "We can't do anything. It's too severe."

Liam, without thinking, rushed to Room 645. Katy looked so bad he didn't want to look at her. He could barely speak. "Wh...H...What.. H-"

Katy interrupted, "I felt bad for letting you down so badly. So I tried to make the oven... and you see the results."

Tears welled up in Liam's eyes. He said, "A-are you going to be alright?"

Katy said, "I'm sorry I couldn't do it for you. You won't hear from me again."

Sobbing, Liam said, "No, no, no, you're going to be alright. I don't care about the project anymore. Oh, how could I be so stupid?!" 

Katy looked at him and said, "It's okay."

Liam started to walk towards the window. Katy, with tears in her eyes, said, "You know, if you do that, I won't rest in peace."

Liam went to her and watched as she drifted off into an eternal sleep. 

"Liam? Hello?"

Liam was shaken from his thoughts. His friend said, "Dude, you alright?"

"I've never been completely alright since that day fifteen years ago."

His friend said, "Come on, the boss wants to talk to us." 

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