Lakshmi Shankar

Drama Action


Lakshmi Shankar

Drama Action

The Nerf War

The Nerf War

1 min

The nerf contest had started! If you want to know more about nerf information I WILL SHOW YOU RIGHT NOW, Nerf is a toy brand formed by Parker Brothers and currently owned by Hasbro. Most of the toys are a variety of foam-based weaponry, with other Nerf products including balls for sports such as American football, basketball, and baseball. Their primary slogan, first introduced in the 1990s, is "It's Nerf or Nothin'!". The first contest starts in 3...2... 1, The first fight starts now here comes the new boy flash and here comes his opponent radish. Flash has blaze storm while the champion radish has blaster storm then radish shot a huge bullet which nearly caught flash but flash dodged it and obliterated radish and then some more nerf warriors came but the same thing happened to them too so they decided that the new champion is flash.

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