The Mansion
The Mansion

There was a mansion on the outskirts of the town Rajpur. It was located in the middle abandoned farmhouse. It was said to be a haunted farmhouse. Nobody liked to live in the farmhouse. The owner of the farmhouse lived in Mumbai and never came to see it.
One day, people of the nearby houses found that a group of five people including a young lady came to live in the mansion. People thought that being afraid of ghosts they would flee from the mansion after some days.
These people were very reserved. They always remained inside the mansion. People never saw them even buying groceries from the local market. When some curious people visited them, they gave their introduction. Then people came to know about them. One of them was a scientist one who was the eldest of all was a retired professor. Other two men were nothing for good and the fifth was a young and beautiful lady who was the sister of those four men. There were some rumours and mysteries about those five peoples in the Rajpur.
One early morning hours, some people of the town while on morning walk saw some bright lights moving in the sky. Those bright blue lights came down and began to hover above the mansion. After hovering for a minute or two, these bright blue lights went towards the jungle. As per some people, these bright blue lights were flying saucers. Next day these blue lights were seen again. A young man reported the matter to the police. The police didn’t take the matter seriously and make the fun of him. There were rumours about seeing flying saucers in the village.
That midnight, a watchman on patrolling when passing the mansion, noticed a figure looking out through an open window of the mansion. It seems him a bit unusual to him and he looked the face of the figure in the light of his torch. He saw in the light of the torch an oval-shaped face with two extraordinary big and oval-shaped eyes, very thin and short nose, with thin lips. The colour of the face was white. Seeing such type of face, he got shocked with fear. Before he could decide what to do next, the window shut with a slam. The watchman fled from the spot immediately.
Next day, people were talking about seeing a ghost or an alien at the mansion by the watchman. People were in a panic.
After two days of this incident, a woman got missing. She was a factory worker who lived in a house near the mansion. The matter was reported to the police and police began to search that woman. After a week, that woman found unconscious in a field behind the mansion. She was unable to tell what happened to her and where she was during her missing. All that she knew was that when she had been returning home from the factory at about eleven o’clock at night, she found a strange man with big oval-shaped eyes in front of her house. He asked her to come with him. She thought of running away from the spot but that she could not do so. Perhaps she was hypnotised by that man and she began to follow that man. After that, what happened to her she didn’t know. Police took her statement and began an investigation. Meantime there were reports of missing of farm animals from the farms around the mansion. Some of the missing animals found dead later. Some people began to blame that aliens or ghosts were behind the missing people and animals.
People were in a panic after this incident. When that watchman heard about that woman, he decided to tell police what he had seen at the mansion. He met the inspector Ashok and told him all that he had seen at the mansion and around it.
Inspector took the matter seriously and decided to investigate the matter. He deputed two constables to keep an eye on the mansion and the area around the mansion. He visited the mansion and enquired all the five residents of it and gathered all the required information about all of them. After questioning them, he had some clues. He began to work on the clues.
One of the constables noted the movements of bright blue coloured objects in the sky after midnights. He thought they may be helicopters, planes or shooting star and didn’t take them seriously.
The woman was now able to remember what happened to her. She told the inspector that being hypnotised by that strange man, she followed that man, oblivious of what was around her and in which direction she was being taken. The only thing she knew that after walking a few steps, they entered a place filled with bright white light. There were four other strange peoples in the place. One of them pointed her to sit on a metallic chair. She obeyed him and sat on the chair. She didn’t know what happened to her afterwards.
“She has gone mad,” sub-inspector declared hearing her statement.
Inspector said to him, “Perhaps not. She may be right,”
Next day, another case of missing happened. A man of age about twenty-five got missing in a farm about two miles from the mansion.
Inspector along with the sub-inspector reached the spot. They found the grass of area of about an acre had burned. No other clues found at the spot. The watchman spoke out his own conclusion about the incident, “it is the act of aliens. They took that man with them.”
People were afraid after this incident. People stopped going out of the homes after sunset.”
After two days, that midnight, police constables and the watchman while on patrolling, saw an object in the lawn of the mansion throwing a beam of blue light to the sky. Be
fore they went near to the object, the object had lifted off and went straight up the sky and within moments the object disappeared in the deep sky. They immediately called inspector Ashok to him about the object.
Inspector Ashok rushed to the spot. All were usual at the mansion as if nothing happened. Ashok decided to enter the mansion. They knocked at the door. The young lady opened the door and asked in. Inspector Ashok questioned her about the object. She replied that she didn’t know anything about the object as was sleeping in her room. When asked about other members, she told that they were sleeping in their rooms. Ashok gave her his contact number in case of need. They took leave of her.
The watchman said to inspector Ashok, “She is telling a lie. How is it possible that the bright objects often appear around the mansion and she doesn’t know anything about those objects?”
The sub-inspector said, “Sir, we must interrogate seriously all of them and must search the mansion once.”
Inspector Ashok remained silent. Next day he called both the constable and the watchman to his office and gave them detailed instructions regarding the case.
Next night inspector Ashok, sub-inspector, constables and the watchman decided to conduct a raid on the mansion. Leaving their van some hundred metres before, they reached the mansion on foot. There was a dreadful silent all around. The watchman looked up the sky. The blue lights were flying in the sky. He spoke to all in low voice, “Look at those flying things. Soon they will come nearer.” Ashok said, “Let’s hide in those bushes.” They hid in the bushes on the other side of the road. The blue lights began to come down and they were hovering above the mansion. They were small round objects emitting blue light. To their utter astonishment, these objects began to enter the mansion one by one.
“What the hell, they would do inside the mansion,” Ashok murmured.
“Let’s go inside the mansion. Saying this Ashok rushed to the mansion. He had his service revolver in his hand. With utmost care they entered the main gate of the mansion. There was stark darkness in the room. They began to search the rooms one by one in the lights of the torches. All the rooms were almost empty except one room which was closed from inside and a very strange sound was coming out of the room.
Ashok knocked at the door and called out, “Open the door and come out. We are the police.” But he did not get any response. He cried, “Let’s break open the door.” Breaking up the door, they entered the room and found that young lady. Ashok shouted at the lady, “Hands up. Tell us where are your brothers?”
She raised her hands up and looked at them innocently. Ashok repeated his question. She murmured something which was inaudible to Ashok and others. All of sudden, she let out a shrill screech and began to whirl rapidly. And then she stopped whirling and looked at them with a smile on her face. And them with a sound of explosion and puffs of smoke she turned into another form. Now a monstrous alien was before them. A body about seven feet in height having an oval-shaped face with oval-shaped big eyes, the very short nose was standing before them. His body was of bright white colour. He was seeking a way to run out of the room.
It was amazing and shocking to them. The sub-inspector was so frightened that he ran out of the room.
Ashok aimed his gun at her and before could do anything, that creature took a spring at them. They moved aside to escape. And that creature was out of the room. They ran after him. Ashok fired a shot at that creature but got missed. The creature ran toward the backyard of the mansion. The creature was too fast to be chased.
When they reached the backyard, they found nothing except five strange looking flying objects.
“Where did that monster gone?” Ashok shouted with anger and fear.
All of sudden, the backyard got lighten with the bright light and a strange sound began to come out of the objects. The objects began to vibrate. And within a few moments the objects lift off to the sky and with great speed, they soon got lost in the sky.
The watchman spoke out, “They has gone to where they come from.”
Ashok said, “You can’t say so at this time.”
In the backyard, they found a way to the basement. There was stark dark in the basement. In the lights of torches, the basement was looking like a science laboratory. All around, there were a lot of dishes, glass tube, containers and other medical pieces of equipment and machines. These machines were very strange; never seen before. These were from another world.
The sub-inspector called, “Sir, come and look at over here.”
Inspector rushed to him. He found human hide which was badly damaged. When he turned it, he found a mash of electric circuits. It was an artificial hide.
He said, “So they were using these artificial hides.”
At a corner of the basement, they found a man lay on a stretcher. He was unconscious. The watchman recognised him and said, “He is the same man who had been missing from the farmhouse near the mansion.”
Ashok said to a constable, “Call the ambulance to carry him to the hospital.”
Ashok proceeded to check the machinery and the equipment. He found several embryos submerged in chemical in some glass containers. It was shocking to him. He also found an Almirah filled with hundreds of slides and chemicals.
He told the sub-inspector, “Something non-human was going on here. I think that those aliens were trying to create a hybrid creature.”
Soon the more police force with some scientists reached the spot and began to probe. All the stuff were seized and sent to unknown places. The unconscious man found in the basement was later declared dead in a hospital. Inspector Ashok and the sub-inspector were sent to other cities far away from the Rajpur. Nobody knows what happened to the watchman. Years have been passed and the mansion still exists in the Rajpur.