Advika naik .

Tragedy Fantasy


Advika naik .

Tragedy Fantasy

The magnificent dream

The magnificent dream

2 mins

Once upon a time, there was a small town in Uttar Pradesh. The town was ancient, old, traditional, religious and mystical. Its name was Banaras. Its name also changed from Banaras to Varanasi. The name changed because the two traditional rivers ' Varuna and Assi ' were important for the people there. When the two names ' Varuna and Assi ' come together the name becomes Varanasi which is the city's name. In that small town, there lived a small girl named Jaya. She was awesome, amazing, cool, innocent, stylin', intelligent, excellent, innovative, creative, brilliant, zealous, adroit, comely, fecund, precipitate, salubrious, kind, honest and helpful. She was a small, smart and cute girl. She was eight years old. She had blue eyes, chubby cheeks and curly and silky hair. She used to come first in both academics and sports. She was also aware of a pandemic disease named novel corona virus which had a huge effect on the world. The World Health Organisation ( WHO ) also declared that it was a world health emergency as mostly 194,515 patients were suffering from corona virus in the world. She was also a master of best out of waste. She was also very imaginative.

One day, she h

ad a tiring and exhausting day at school so she told her mother that she was hungry so her mother cut a verdant mango and gave it to her. Then she lay down on her pink bed and fell asleep. Her pink bed was situated in her pink room filled with many toys. When she slept she was lost in her dreams. In her dreams, she imagined something innovative. She was standing in a beautiful and gorgeous land. It was Beautiland. She saw something written in bold letters on the notice board. The notice board read,' BEWARE! BRAVE AND BOLD PERSON NEEDED TO STOP CORONA VIRUS FROM ENTERING BEAUTILAND'. Then she saw that she had 100 sanitizers and 100 masks. When she entered Beautiland, she saw winged cars, tall palaces, flying horses, flying fishes and birds swimming. At the same time she saw the map of the land and the land had 4 palaces. Jaya gave 25 masks and sanitizers to all the palaces and everybody started praising her. Corona virus then did not enter the kingdom.

Suddenly, a book fell on her chest. She then realised that she was dreaming and the book was purposely dropped by her mother to wake Jaya up. Then she took all precautionary measures to protect herself from corona virus.

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