The Girl

The Girl

7 mins

I saw her on my first day at high school. Sitting on the first bench, she looked beautiful, the way she turned her head towards me, as I entered the class, late on my very first day. The teacher scolded me, but she laughed, laughed with a perfect smile, a smile I could die for. The teacher gave me permission to enter the class. As I was late, I sat on the last bench. But for the first time I was not able to concentrate on the teacher teaching chemistry, I don't remember what he taught, as my eyes had already bonded with the one girl, the front bench girl.

 Next day I came 1 hour early to school and managed to sit on the 2nd seat, just behind her. Sitting there I could not manage a single hi. I just observed her talking, smiling, laughing. I felt it like to be more entertaining than any movie I had watched, any novel I had read. I could really watch her talk for the whole day. But, as I was a late admission by a whole month, I had to complete my work. So, I said Hi to her. She turned back and said smiling-"hi, you are the new one to take admission“, I replied smiling thinking that she noticed me omg, "yeah, my father actually changed my school, so, I was late ". I asked her- "can I borrow your chemistry notebook for home, I have a lot of pending work" 

She replied -"yes, you can take them, but you have to return them tomorrow, as Deepak sir is going to take a test the day after tomorrow and I haven't studied anything so far“. I replied -"yes, definitely I will return it tomorrow, but you actually gave me another worry, a test". She laughed looking at my off face and said -"don't worry, it is not that important, it’s just a practice test". 

Next day, I returned to the notebook. We didn't talk. It was a bad day for me. On Saturday, sir take the test, and the result came on Monday. She got 2nd highest marks, I was the topper. Everybody was shocked even sir himself, as sir returned my answer sheet. After the class got over, she turned back to me and asked -"how did you do it?? , you just came to a couple of days back". I replied - "I studied from your notes, I got to have to perform well". She blushed, the girl sitting next to her said - "you know what, she is studying in this school from 1st class, and she had never come 2nd, she had always been the topper". I was terrified.

For a couple of days, I didn't talk to her nor sat behind her, I thought she would be angry to me for taking her position and breaking her streak. But, it seemed like she was not affected by the event. Instead, it looked like she was happy to have good competition. 

The 2nd class of Tuesday was of sports, she was looking awesome and fresh in her sports dress. I saw her playing basketball from the distant. I was not Playing any sports as first, I was not having any friends to play with and secondly, I am a nerd, if you will ask me to choose between reading or doing anything else, I will choose reading any day. If it was not her playing, I would have been in the library. But, my god, she was playing as good as any professional I have seen, at the end of the match, her team won by 15 baskets, 12 were scored by her.

While returning to the class, I asked her "how do you manage to study and be so good at sports, I am a loser at sports" she replied -"life should not have to be monotonous, success doesn't depend only on studies, be open to as many things as possible, that is essential for all-round growth". I was jaws-trucked.

The days went by, I was getting more and more interested in her. Like how someone can be good at studies, good at sports

And let me tell you she was unbeatable at debating, nobody can win from her. I laughed thinking - how can somebody be so good, how?? Do people like these really exist??

With the passing days, I talked to her more often, I loved listening to her, the way sh

e expressed her thoughts and talked with so much positivity that anybody can fall in love with her. I was in love with her completely and her everything. But she was probably interested in how can beat me in studies. So, one day she said - "hey, I was actually thinking that can you teach me the equilibrium chapter, I really suck at it ". So I agreed. For her, it would probably mean just studies, but for me, it was the best thing that has ever happened, for me the thought of spending time alone with her in the library, staying between both my loves, book and vertical, nothing can beat it. Even if she beats me in studies, you would be happy to be beaten. 

So, my time with her in the library was the best time of the whole day. Believe me, I used to study a lot and with great focus, but while I studied with her, she was my focus. If I studied with the same focus that I look to her, I could be genius.

But with time from casual Friends cum study partners, we grew into good friends and it took just a few months for us to grew into best friends. Now, it was not the only study between us, but it was also a friendship like I have never felt earlier, we used to talk about anything to everything. Now, I knew her more than her herself, and she knew me more than myself. 

The year passed, we give our 11th exams and were waiting for the results, meanwhile, the farewell of our seniors came. I felt like that this was the best time to propose her. It was our school's culture that students dance with each other after the end of farewell. So I decided that I will dance with her and after that, I will bend on my knees and will propose her, but it didn't go as I planned, as before me somebody else had asked her out and she said yes. Therefore, I decided to give a letter to her once the dance was over. I know it looked a little cliché, but I wanted it to be perfect like a dream came true, I want to see her face smiling and blushing as she reads the letter and listens her say, "I love you too, topper". I was having a week's time to the farewell and I decided to give my best efforts. I spender by the whole week in making the best letter. I choose a card, and wrote a page expressing my love to her and painted a picture of us on the other side.  

The day comes, and I was ready, I wore the best dress I could buy and went for the farewell, the event went well but my eyes were looking only for the one I loved, vertical. I was not able to find her, as she was sitting in the front row and me on the last, I laughed remembering the first day when I saw her. After the event ended we moved for the dance, the song beaned, and I danced, but still, I was not able to see her dancing, I wanted to see her dancing even if I wasn't the one dancing with her. The song ended, and everyone moved away from the stage, and I finally saw her looking more Gorgeous than ever, in my eyes, she looked like an angel, a divine figure from heaven. Then I walked towards her holding the card in my hand, she saw me coming and blushed, it was like a connection unlike any I have felt, I knew it was how to love action felt like. I reached her and handed her the card. She was shocked while taking the card, I felt hopeful, for me it was the slowest moment of my life, each second passed like an hour. I was able to hear my heart beating like hell. I wanted to move forward in time and just listen to her say a yes.

But something was off like something was stopping her from smiling, standing in front of her, my hope was turning to dust, and she finally said to me taking her eyes away from the painting, she was still not looking at me. And then she said with tears in her eyes -"this can't be us, we are different, I can't Love you"

I rebelled -"I don't understand, why, we are just the same" 

She replied -"because you are a girl, Aisha "

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