Adhiraj Mukherjee

Children Stories Horror


Adhiraj Mukherjee

Children Stories Horror

The Doll

The Doll

5 mins

Some incidents are really eerie and cannot be justified by our logic or with any scientific explaination. The incident which i am just about to narrate is a perfect example of that. My aunt, whom I really admire as she started working after the age of 54 instinctively possesses tremendous courage and is even ready to face the strangest of odds! However this incident also frightened her. Now she is working as a hostel warden in Kolkata. All the girls there are practising nursing. One fine evening, when my aunt was just giving a round in the hostel she noticed a beautiful doll lying at one corner. The doll was very pretty with dark beady eyes, a colourful dress and it was ecstatic! However the doll was bald and its hair was lying just beside it. Generally, my aunt doesn’t pick up else’s things or possessions. But after she saw the doll she felt an irresistable desire to pick it up. So, she took the doll with her and hung it on a decorated rope in the dining area of the hostel. The room of the hostel warden i.e. of my aunts' was situated infront of the dining room. My aunt went to her room and stared at the doll which seemed to be dancing in the winds gushing across. Then she called the girls to come for the evening supper. The first girl named Rita who as soon as came down from the stairs, suddenly asked in a sense of fear “ Whose doll is that? Who brought it here"? My aunt very amused at her behaviour replied “Why what happened? I have brought it here". The girl replied instantaneously “Mam throw away the doll. Dont keep it here". Gradually, my aunt become really stunned when she saw that all the oher girls reacted in the very same manner as Rita did. All the girls seemed to be petrified after looking at that doll. My aunt very casually told them “ You all are now grown up girls and are practising nursing and will be our future nurses. You all still believe in superstitions!”. Momentarily everyone kept quiet although the sense of fear was prominent in all of their faces. While having the supper together, a girl named Ananya told my aunt “Ma’am please remove this doll.” My aunt asked them rather irritatedly “Why? What is the problem with this doll?” No one gave a direct answer to this question instead all of them looked at each others face. Now again one girl named Trisha told my aunt “Ma’am this doll is not good. Dont keep it with you.. It may cause harm even to you!!!!” My aunt usually became very astonished and thought that all of them were telling the same thing and it was really very strange. So she picked uo the doll and went to the caretaker. The caretaker after taking the permission from my aunt inspected the doll very thoroughly a

nd told her “Mam do you know the story of one such doll?” My aunt replied “No. Tell me then". The caretaker, Risabh told her that many years back, a gang of terrorists had kept a bomb inside one such doll in a place and blasted the area. My aunt now thought that this might be the reason behind the fear in all the girls. So, she told the caretaker at night to throw away the doll in the nearby dumpyard outside the hostel just for the sake of the girls. When the caretaker was about to leave the hostel to throw away the doll, my aunt told him “I will also go with you". However my aunt stayed outside the dumpyard while the caretaker threw it away. Meanwhile, my aunt had told the caretaker to click some photos of the doll for some later proof if required. So, everything was done and both of them returned safely in the hostel after dumping the doll. My aunt was feeling very tired and she lied down on her bed. She got a notification sound on her phone which clearly signalled the fact that the caretaker had just sent the photos of the doll. Somehow, my aunt burning with curiousity opened the phone as she wanted to see the photos. She saw that there were in total 3 images of the doll which were clicked by the caretaker Risabh. As soon as she opened the first image, she saw that the doll was staring at her with fiery eyes and a very angry face. My aunt was afraid to see this image. The 2nd image was also the same. When she scrolled and went to the 3rd image, she saw that the doll was dancing in the winds gushing across it. Now my aunt really became shocked and astonished. She saw that the image appeared to be a video although the caretaker had not made any video of the doll. So my aunt, then turned the phone off and tried to sleep thinking how can it be possible to get a videon inside an image. Suddenly, she felt an unbearable pain in her left leg and she was unable to move it. Using her practical senses, she quickly tried to think of all the possible and logical reasons for the sudden leg pain. However to her horror and dismay, she was unable to find any reason. Now suddenly the words of the girl Trisha flashed across her mind telling that “ Ma’am this doll can cause harm to you as well". These words obviously started haunting her. She immediately switched on her phone and deleted all the images of the doll. Now you readers, believe me or not, the till-now unbearable pain in the leg seemed to get vanished within a jiffy. My aunt could then stand up very normally and even walk around. This experience of her is really ineffable! Many of you all might think very differently but believe me or not this is a real spine-chilling experience!

The end

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