Sonal Bhatia Randhawa

Drama Horror Thriller


Sonal Bhatia Randhawa

Drama Horror Thriller

The Anklets….

The Anklets….

3 mins

(Based on true incident)

It had been a hectic day. Shifting houses is no mean feat. After putting the last piece of my coveted crystalware safely on the shelves,I retired to bed like a worn out jubilant warrior.

I looked at the watch. It was just past midnight. I pulled up the blankets and fell into a slumber within moments.

My hard earned sleep was suddenly disrupted by the pitter patter of rain drops on the fibre -sheet shed over the balcony. I just turned over and closed my heavily tired eyes but could not sleep.

A strange uneasiness was creeping up. I desperately tried to wade off the feeling but it refused to go. May be it was just because I was alone in the house after a long time or may be the unfamiliarity of the new place.

“Chhumm…chhumm…chhumm. . ”. . the sound interrupted the monotonous pitter patter of thr rain. I tried to dismiss it but it became more distinct. It felt like sound of anklets. It unnerved me now. My drowsiness vanished as I sat wide awake. A sudden gush of wind slapped my face as the window pane next to my bed opened and the glass crashed with a bang.

The sound was unrelenting and louder. I could feel the pulsations of my heart increasing rhythmically with the sound. Chhumm…. . chhumm…. chhumm…. lub dub lub dub lub dub……

I started cursing myself for buying the house despite being told by people that i

t overlooked a piece of barren land which was a cremation ground years ago. The window that opened was the one facing it.

 I sat there numbed and motionless not even attempting to wipe off the sweat that dripped down my flushed face. I wanted to put on the light but my hands failed to comply . The sound continued unabated…. suddenly the air conditioner switched off ,fan stopped,the lone night bulb went out. ”Rains come and electricity goes” was a norm in Delhi at one time.

The sound was incessant. ”Chumm…chhumm…. chhumm…I finally mustered some courage and peeped out of the window. I tried to look down as to where the sound was coming from. It was pitch dark and then behold!I could see the apparition of a woman. It seemed she had long hair and was wearing a frilled flowing skirt that spread around her as she sat on the floor tapping her feet. The anklets going chhumm…chhumm…. as she swayed her head from side to side.

I stood hypnotised.

My trance was broken as the air conditioner restarted. Delhi electricity board occasionally does work in time. I looked down again. The ground was lit up now. The apparition had disappeared.

A lone man was sitting near his bicycle, a large towel covering his head ,his opened umbrella kept behind him, trying to repair his bicycle chain and putting it in place……Chhumm chhumm…. . chhumm… the sound continued…. .

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