V. Aaradhyaa

Drama Tragedy


V. Aaradhyaa

Drama Tragedy

That Red Envelope

That Red Envelope

2 mins

It was a winter evening, and Shruti felt very sad because her friend had been missing for several days. Today, an anonymous letter arrived from him, adding to her distress.

With trembling hands, Shruti opened the mysterious letter, sealed in a red envelope. It was from Ayesha, revealing that Vilal had deceived her and disappeared.

The letter, short and poignant, conveyed Ayesha's despair:


As you receive this letter, I may still be in this world. But we will never meet again. You tell me, how can I face you?

Yesterday, your trust was shattered when your house was destroyed, and today, the one we both trusted has abandoned me. It's true, when you harm others, you harm yourself. Now, I toil in anonymity, cleaning a church, burdened by a secret disease gifted by Vilal. He not only stole money but also your mangalsutra. I send you my blessings.

Don't search for me or remember me, for both would breed hatred. I cannot bear to see hatred in the eyes of my childhood friend.

Take care,

Your unfortunate friend, Ayesha."

Tears welled in Shruti's eyes as she finished the letter. Despite Ayesha's plea not to be found, Shruti couldn't shake the desire to reunite with her childhood friend.

She believed that Ayesha had transformed in the crucible of betrayal, emerging as a gem. With determination, Shruti set out for the police station to find Ayesha.


©®V. Aaradhya

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