Sins of the mother (Chapter-38)
Sins of the mother (Chapter-38)

The snow was coming down in a virtual wall now, which Lukas believed could give them at least somewhat of an advantage during their approach. They went to the back of the Jeep and started to assemble their gear. Lukas decided against his usual tactical ballistic vest and instead pulled out the new ghost body armor the department had issued to the detectives. It was t-shirt thin and unnoticeable. The shirt was made of Kevlar and was brand new to the market. Ghost body armor was relatively untested in the field, but Lukas felt like he would be able to move better since it was less bulky than the traditional vests. The way he would be going in, he needed as much mobility as possible.
Once he was ready, he helped Brooke into her gear and made last-minute adjustments. While he worked, he maintained a steady conversation to help calm her nerves and assess her mental condition. She appeared to be doing well.
Lukas brought up the satellite photos of the area and moved closer, so she could follow along as he explained.
“Okay,” he said. “As I said, you walk straight up the road to the cabin, using the trees for cover. Eventually, you’re going to come to a clearing where the cabin sits. I’ll be coming in this way circling around to the east. It’ll be a tough climb, but it’ll get me to the high ground with a good view of the cabin. I think it’s our best chance. Make sure you have easy access to your phone. Put it on vibrate. I’ll text you if anything changes.”
“Okay, got it.”
Lukas called Danny again and put it on speaker.
“Speak, Lukas.”
“Hey Danny, I have you on speaker. Give us a last-minute sitrep.”
“The situation is pretty much the same as before. We have a team scrambling. They’ll be there, but with the weather, it’ll take some time.”
“Any last-minute advice on Dolan before we go in?”
“It’s complicated, but the tactical version is less so. Dolan is a control freak, and he’ll want to maintain that control. He’s calculating and smart, and he’ll be ready. But I don’t think he wants a shootout. He’ll want to manipulate you. To taunt you and show you he’s won, rub it in your face.”
“What about my daughter?” Brooke asked.
“I think sh
e’s alive. I could be wrong, but I think he needs her for bait and I think she’s safe for now. This is about you right now, Brooke. He’s using her to lure you in. If he gets you into a bad situation, be strong. Don’t let him dominate you.”
“You said he’d be ready,” Lukas said. “Any advice?”
“You’re only going to get one chance at ending this. Make the most of it.”
Lukas ended the call and looked at Brooke. She looked ready. He’d seen the look on the faces of his fellow soldiers during his years in the field.
“One last thing,” he said.
“Remember my training,” Brooke said.
“You got it. Let’s do this.”
Lukas began to climb while Brooke waited by the Jeep. He needed the head start because of the distance he would be traveling. He turned and looked back at Brooke as he went over the first ridge, wondering what destiny had in store. How would it play out? Would he ever see her alive again? Would he be alive? He was worried. Dolan was smart, and he’d had some time to plan. Lukas assessed the ridge, checked his gear one more time, and headed down the backside.
The snow was a blessing in one regard and a hindrance in another. On one hand, it helped hide him. On the other, it made climbing the ridge slick and dangerous. He continued at a slow but steady pace, stopping periodically to check his progress on a topographical map Danny had sent him earlier. It was important that he get to the top of the ridge before Brooke approached the cabin. His shoulder ached as he climbed up a rock face, and he was breathing heavily. He glanced at his watch. Pick up the pace. He pulled out his phone and texted Brooke. The text told her he was moving slowly and to take her time.
He resumed his climb toward the summit of the ridge. As he grew close, he was tired and soaked with sweat. He reached what he thought was the top and cursed under his breath. False summit. In front of him was yet another rock face that would need to be quickly negotiated. He set his feet, dug his gloved fingers in, and pulled. It took nearly every ounce of energy he had to get himself to the top.
He saw the boots a fraction too late.
And then he saw nothing at all.