Ch Loknath Reddy

Drama Action Inspirational


Ch Loknath Reddy

Drama Action Inspirational

Single Use Of Plastic

Single Use Of Plastic

3 mins

To ban single use of plastic is now a talk across the universe. So, it is imperative that we must stop it. Period, but to come a conclusion my friend Micky and me debating on the issue. I am for the use of plastic for single use, and she is against.

 L(Me) - I think there must be a protest against the govt's imposition of banning the 'single use of plastic'.

M(Micky) - What makes you to think so my friend?

L - You see, It terms of packaging food, and water. The plastic bottles and wrappers are very useful.

M - But at the same time, we can replace that with tin which can be recycled or paper which can be easily mutilated!

L - Well, that could be correct. But when we consider the cost, plastic is cost effective and less under such a condition, I think it is wise to use plastic.

M - It is a grate folly, that you call it wise. You will have to pay for that a lot in future. A plastic carry bag is used for 12 minutes in average, but at least 500 years to be degraded.

L - But it reduces contamination of food my dear friend. When you use tin, sometimes it becomes carcinogenic, but there is no such thing while using plastic. Hence, What I think, Plastic is still better. 

M - Upon the earth, plastic turns in to micro plastics and a

bsorbs toxins to pollute atmosphere. And this causes many air borne diseases like asthma and cardiovascular diseases causing death.

L - But it fights against food waste. You can shape the plastic for the quantity you want. So, it saves food and water and prevents waste.

M - And when you through these, the ocean chokes, the rivers stop giving you drinking water and above all kills pisciculture. Can you afford to these while you save some water and food? 

L - Of course, you have made some correct remarks, but would I be wrong if I claim plastic keeps food and water and also other liquid foods fresher and tastier?

M - Could be. But you don't have a warehouse to keep all used plastics. You have to throw and that will destroy the aesthetic of nature too. Would you be contented of an internal freshness and not of the freshness of the environment?

L - Of late, I came to understand the negative effects of plastics, it realizes that in comparison to the usefulness, it destroys more. Thank you of apprising me this. 

M - Yes better later, than never. You could realize that's all for now. We can make people understand about this, will be wonderful, plastic will one day destroy the earth. period.


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