Shambhavi Seth

Drama Fantasy Inspirational


Shambhavi Seth

Drama Fantasy Inspirational

Shambhavi's Diary13 June,2021

Shambhavi's Diary13 June,2021

1 min

Diary Entry..............

13th June , 2021 ; Sunday

Dear Diary ,

Today was a really great and wonderful day . I was bored by sitting at home and my two friends and I are having a group which we made before on whatsapp , so they always say me to come to park but I always deny their request . So today what happened my one friend among them came to my home surprisingly for taking me to park . But that time also my mood wasn't there but it was tough to deny directly I just need any probl

em for telling her but sometimes I think I must go and sometimes not . I was confused because I will enjoy if I will go but at first I need to change clothes as I was wearing my home clothes and comb my hair properly so that time I was also feeling lazy . But I went to park and enjoyed a lot , I met my friends which played with me earlier . I just wanted to stay as much I can . And I'm sure that I will surely go to park tomorrow , we have also fixed timings . By playing a lot I am tired so bye bye...

Have a playful night ! ! Good night ! !

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