Trupti Prashant Dharmadhikari



Trupti Prashant Dharmadhikari




1 min

Parents are next to God whom we worship everyday. They are the best, true supporters, Energizers and well-wishers, who live their entire life for their kids, spend all their precious moments sacrificing all their dreams and get addicted to understanding them, kids solving their problems, no doubt even if they get married, they stay far away from them or they stay alone..

They are addicted to see them growing happy no matters how kids treat them. They are addicted to spend money on them raising them even if they cannot afford, they are addicted to understand their kids each and every feeling even if they misunderstand them, they are addicted to all their problems to solve them providing them all they need even if they have it or not, they are addicted and dedicated to give them the best!!!

But what today's generation is addicted for this true love, care, support,???


They are addicted to blame for their parents for all small small things, they are addicted to disrespect, they are addicted to unwanted needs, ,

Why but this parents dn't understand ?? And can't think for themselves, their happiness, their dreams

Is there any medicine to cure this addiction??

Which can heal them and make them a bit selfish for self-happiness and needs??

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