Anuradha T



Anuradha T




2 mins

As a student of psychology, I had heard from my professors the saying' child is the father of man'. I used to wonder what it meant.over the years I used to think very deeply about this above said thought and come to different perspectives about the same. But now in my middle age, I am slowly able to understand what it really means.ofcourse this line was originally quoted by the famous English poet William Wordsworth whose. Analysis might be different from what my professor meant. Children teach you to be disciplined, punctual, tidy, good cook, educated, jovial, responsible, understanding etc.and the list is endless. This is on the positive side of learning from children. But the matter doesn't end here nor is it so simple. As the children grow they teach you different lessons that no institution teaches you (pun intended). As adults they make parents realize the value of their own health, wealth, and happiness. And personally, this pandemic has taught me the real lessons about the value of my own life, linked to my health, my expertise, and knowledge. I have always been appreciated for being a hands-on parent so as my husband even neglecting our own pleasures without a thought but somehow now the realization is sinking that we need to take care of ourselves so as to do justice with others' duties that we need to fulfill. This lesson unintentionally may have been taught by our children so the line child is the father of man' is justified quite literally. I know many parents like us would definitely agree with this.

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