pranav deshpande

Drama Tragedy


pranav deshpande

Drama Tragedy



1 min

The kitty party was in full swing.

“Great hair style, Lavisha!” gushed one friend.

“Cool!” gushed another. “New style! Close cropped hair!”

“You look like a diva.” Said a third. “Rowrrr! If I were a guy….. Hubba! Hubba!”…..

Lavisha blushed.

“It really looks great on you!” Madan was a close friend and a flirt. “Looks boyish, but very pretty boyish, you know what I mean?” he brought up a devilish glint in his eyes and grinned.

Lavisha gave him a shove. “Shut up!” she said, smiling unwillingly, inspite of herself.

“Great to catch up, Yaar!” Kishor was a serious dude.

The reunion was taking place after 2 years. A nice buffet. Lo

ts of laughter. Great night.

They all dispersed. Promising to keep in touch. Creating a watsapp group. Planning a road trip.

The next day, Lavisha climbed the steps of the clinic.

Dr. Shankar looked at her. “You’re looking better today, Lavisha” he said.

“I met my friends yesterday” she replied. “after a long time. We had a blast. I actually forgot everything for a while.”

“That’s great” he said. “The process is slow, it will take time, but you need to take it one day at a time. People have survived, you know!”

“Thanks doc! For making me go to that reunion.”

He smiled.

Then he spoke gently, “Shall we start the next chemo….”

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