Piku, The Cock

Piku, The Cock

4 mins

“Cock-a-doodle-doo.... Cock-a-doodle-doo, Cock-a-doodle-doo” Piku crowed sitting on the boundary wall of the farm. Piku loves to sing and so to make people and other animals listen his beautiful voice he sings at the topmost voice every early morning. But his behaviour isn’t good. He fights with every animal in the farm for nothing so everyone keeps safe distance from him.

 “Cock-a-doodle-doo... Cock-a-doodle-doo” he went on singing. But today someone isn’t happy at Piku’s such melodious crooning, the farmer’s educated son. He has come home from the hostel during the summer holidays. He complained to his father “Why don’t you put the hen’s coop some distance from the house. The cock’s crowing wakes me up unnecessarily in the early mornings” His father said “But son rising up early in the mornings is good for health”

“Please Dad, don't give me unnecessary advice” replied the angry son and stormed out of the house. He understood his dad won’t move the hen coop far away from the house. So he took the initiative to fulfill his wish. He moved Piku’s coop far afield. 

Piku wasn’t in his coop when this was done. He was eating grains with the other cocks and hens. In the evening when everyone moved back to their home Piku too returned but where is his coop? He was surprised. Every other hen’s house was there but he was nowhere to be seen. Sleepy Piku couldn’t understand where can it go? Where to sleep now? He went to each of the hen’s home but anyone couldn’t offer him some place to sleep because little chicks stayed with their mothers. He then went to other animals on the farm to ask for some place to stay at night. Most of the animals refused to give him shelter. So he was forced to stay on the tree at night. But tonight he couldn’t sleep soundly. The past incidents hunted him very much.

Dawn arrived at last. But today Piku didn’t crow like previous mornings. He had decided to leave the farm and go to faraway lands where animals and people will be of good nature and would receive him happily. To travel to faraway land he has to fly but he isn’t good at flying. He flew for short distances and rested for a while. The next day he reached the neighboring village.

He could see large farmland nearby. He went there in hope of finding a new home and some good friends. The animals of this new farm greeted him. They even invited him for breakfast. Piku was hungry so he accepted their offer. After the breakfast, Piku asked for shelter too on this farm. The animals said “You can stay with us, dear. The farmer of this farm is very of good nature” The cock of this farm said to Piku “The farmer isn’t on the farm. He has gone to the market to sell his products. After he returns he will surely give you shelter. But beware of the farmer’s son and his dog”

Piku asked, “Why?”

“He’s very dangerous. He often throws a party to his friends and kills farm animals when his father isn’t at home. And you aren’t of this farm too. It’s very obvious you’ll be his first target if he comes for a kill”

The cock’s words were very true because the farmer’s son did come with his dog to get some animals for dinner. The animals became aware of his coming when his gun banged with ‘boom’. Everyone ran in a different direction. The cock said, “Run Piku, run!” Piku too ran towards the tree nearby. But his dog ran after Piku and he sat on the highest branch of the tree. The dog stood under the tree and went on barking loudly. Piku felt today he won’t get away with his life. The farmer’s son will arrive there any moment and will blow a shot at him. But his luck favored as the farmer’s son went back to his house with his requirement.

The evening sat in but today Piku couldn’t sleep. This farm is dangerous for him, he murmured. The next early morning he walked back to his old home. Every one of the old farms greeted him and everyone asked where he was the previous day. Piku replied politely that he had gone to visit a friend. He understood one’s home is the only safe and comfortable place to live in. And to get good behavior from others you should behave well too. From then onward Piku changed!         

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