Story Maker

Drama Horror Action


Story Maker

Drama Horror Action



3 mins

I was doing my homework at 8:30 pm

I was so tired that I forgot to shut the window in my room.

All off a sudden a large breeze of wind through by my bedroom, I quickly ran to the window, and that's when I saw him.

My eyes were full of fear when he saw me it was too dark too tell what he looked like but I knew he was a man. I slammed the window shut and hopped into bed.


I ran down stairs to see mama crying "mama where's dad?" I asked her. 

"That asshole bloody cheating on me honey" she replied. "And now...he's living with her"

"How bout I make u a cup of tea to maybe cheer you up a little mama? "I asked.

"Melissa, sweetie, a cup of tea ain't gonna..."she hesitated looking down.

"Alright mama it was just a suggestion" I looked at her she was still crying, I felt so bad.

On my way to school I heard someone shout "hey!" I ignored whoever it was because I thought they were talking to someone else until...someone tapped me on the shoulder.

I turned to see a boy with brown hair and dark brown eyes with bright rosey cheeks.

"Hey are you heading to that school over there" he said pointing to the school i went to.

I nodded, "do u talk?" He asked me "yes mr unknown!" I shouted and then an old man across from us stared at me and quickly walked away. Mr unknown chuckled and sa

id "im Logan" I stared at him for a while "Melissa wood" I said. He smiled "im new to this school, would u mind showing me around?" He asked me while kicking a stone. I crossed my arms "not a problem at all" I said

After showing Logan around we actually became close, in fact he was asking if he could come to my house,and me being me said yes. As I heard the doorbell ring I ran like Forrest gump. "Hey Melissa..uh I hope u like chocolate" " oh Logan you shouldn't have" I said blushing a little. "Oh what's this Melissa? Your boyfriend" mama chuckled while watching us. "No mama he's my friend" I growled at her. "Better stop blushing then cause someone might think you two are a couple" she chuckled and then sadly left. Logan stared at me, " come on bestie"i commanded.

I showed him my room which was a mess "sorry about..." "I already know" Logan smirked. "I know about the wind last night, I was there" he confessed. Logan slowly walked towards me and whispered in my ear "I killed your father". I stepped away from him but he grabbed me"LET GO" I screamed. He covered my mouth with his hand. ""Shhhh its ok were gonna live a happy life together" Logan whispered in my ear. There was no way I was living with a crazy boy like him. I quickly kicked him up the you know what and ran.

As I got down stairs I found my mama dead

What do I do now?

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