Ritik Sinha



Ritik Sinha




12 mins



The usual silence of an old Delhi road was broken down with police sirens and media vans hovering down the lane. There was a mad rush to say the least surrounded by an apparent suicide of an upcoming model. No matter which channel you switch, it was the talk of the town with millions of speculation ranging from mafia involvement to drug overdue, to honor killing.

A week ago,

She willed herself to not check her phone to see if he had replied. It had been about three days now. She hated that she was constantly checking his 'last seen at' status and yes, he had logged in just five minutes ago. Yet she couldn't stop herself. This sinking feeling to find absolutely no communication from him was becoming unbearable, almost torturous.

And then, just as she sat down in her chair, her phone vibrated. With her heart thudding in her ear, she unlocked her phone and stared at the screen. Finally! It was his message.

But when she opened it and read it, she nearly stopped breathing. She didn't know if he was joking or not. What was this?

She was staring at the ‘black letters’ when the doorbell rang. She went to open the door. Her forehead shrunk at seeing no one out there and a large box. She took it inside and opened it. Oh my……………!Tears were dropping down her cheeks continuously. She lived with her family yet, she felt loneliness. The articles she was holding were the relics of her love life.

“Mayra” Hermother entered, “What are you doing? We are waiting for you. And why aren’t you dressed yet?”

“I am not coming mother.” She said wiping her tears, “Please go! Do not force me.”

She was keeping the things back in the box when her mother handed her the dress and commanded, “Don’t behave like a child. Joy phoned three times. How would he feel if you don’t show up? Get ready quickly.”

She pleaded in vain. Mrs. D’Souza went out of the room. Mayrapulled herself together, stood up and went to take a shower  to serene herself. Then got ready and went out of her room.

“My beautiful daughter.” Mr. Ben D’ Souza cupped her cheeks smiling.

Twenty minutes later, Mayra was in Joy’s house with her family celebrating Christmas although she was not in the mood of celebration. She was appreciated by everybody on her success. She had won the title of ‘Miss Delhi’ in a beauty pageant three days ago. Her intellect, sleek, tall body and milky white face with beautiful blue eyes had impressed the jury present in the pageant. She was talk of the newspapers and magazines. Modeling offers were flowingdown. But they were kept on hold by her.

Mayra wished to reply so she was about to type Vivan’s number when Joy interrupted, “Merry Christmas and congratulations Mayra.”

She smiled, “Merry Christmas Joy and thank you so much.”

“So did you give a thought?” He queried.

“On what?”

“Modeling offers!” He said surprised.

“Joy I don’t think I am ready.”

“Mayra, come on. It was your dream. You can’t let it go.”

“Yes it is but…Forget it. You won’t understand.” She took off and seated herself in a corner of the hall. Her fingers were on the keypad and she typed but abstained from sending it.

Sometimes later, Joy offered her Pepsi. She drank it but pleaded for beer.

“You want beer? Are you okay dear?” Joy asked being surprised.

“Yes. Now go. Bring me two bottles of beer. I want to celebrate.” She said carelessly, “And please don’t tell mom and dad.”

Joy smiled wryly and went away. He returned with two bottles of beer. Mayra emptied them one by one and asked for another one. Joy gave her the third one. She was all drunk and had tears in her eyes, “I don’t want to go home Joy. Please take me somewhere else.”

“Okay. You stay here. I’ll just come.” He went to talk to her father, “Uncle, I am taking Mayra with me. We’ll return as soon as possible. I hope it’s okay with you.”

Mr.D’ Souza smiled and patted his shoulder, “Fine, young man.”

Joy took his leave and headed towards his car with Mayra. He asked her about the place where she would like to go, to which she replied yelling, “Pub.”

They went to her favorite pub. She relaxed herself by grooving on the music. She desired to drink more but Joy refrained her. An hour later, they were kissing each other deeply. She fainted and Joy took her to a hotel. The next morning Mayra found herself in his arms. She was shuddered after realizing that both of them were undressed. She pressed her head forcefully between her palms and panted.

“Good morning, sweetheart.”

She looked at joy with disgust and burst out, “You scoundrel! How dare you…”

Hardly had she finished, Joy kissed her palm, “Come on Mayra, don’t act like a typical Indian girl. It was the best Christmas ever.”

“Shut up! How could you do this to me Joy? You know very well that I love someone else.”

“Yes, and I also know that, that punk has dumped you.”

Mayra staredat him fiercely. She knew Joy was right. Joy continued, “Come on Mayra, grow up. There is bright future in front of you and yes… me too.” He smirked, “And there is nothing to worry about. We had dot, dot, dotin full protection.”

“Oh! Joy you are an unimaginable bastard. Get off me.” Her anger was at its lowest ebb. She punched him hard and rushed out of there. When she reached home Mayra was questioned by her mother to whom she replied, “Mom, I’ll have a talk with you later. I need rest for now.” Her life was changed devastatingly in a day. She rested her head on a pillow and closed her eyes.

“Hi!” A manly voice said. “I am Vivan.”

“Hi! I am Mayra. So umm, are you new here? I think I have never seen you before.”

“Yes. He’s a friend of mine from Patna.” Ria, Mayra’s best friend gave Vivan’s introduction.

“Ha! So you are from Bihar. Welcome to Maharashtra.”

Vivan felt awkwardness, “What is there to smirk about Miss Mayra?”

“No, no you are getting me wrong. Actually it’s the first time I have met someone from Bihar. I did not know that you guys are so smart, handsome, cute… hey you are blushing.”

“I am overwhelmed Miss Mayra.”

“Call me Mayra. And its nice meeting you Vivan.”

“Same here Mayra.”

She smiled, caught his hand and dragged him to the dance floor. They boogied on the beats whole night. They used to meet in the pub regularly. Slowly they became so close that they started meeting in other places.His looks, simplicity and graveness were alluring. They had spent beautiful moments together as friends and as a couple. But now everything has changed in a couple of days. God! What has gone wrong suddenly? Mayra thought after she gained mindedness.Her mobile phone buzzed and she panicked at seeing the video sent by Joy.

“What the heck is this Joy?”Mayra rang him up andhowled at him.

“Nothing, it is only a glimpse of your future.” Joy grinned.

“What do you want?” Mayra questioned straightforwardly.

“I want you. No dear, don

’t get stunned. Do you have any idea, how I had felt after seeing you with him. I have loved you since we were kids. Today after twenty years, seeing you with somebody else was killing me. And now that he has gone, you are mine, whole mine.” He continued, “And one more thing, if you ever think of leaving me, I swear I will destroy you.”

“Alas! Joy you are sick. I am not afraid of you, you jerk. And Vivan did not leave me.” Mayra slammed down the phone and started weeping.

Mayra’s mother, Jessie who just entered her room asked her, why she was crying to which she replied, “Everything is finished ma. I want to die.”

Mayra’s mother, Jessie knew about her relationship with Vivan. She tried to console her, “Mayra, forget him. You deserve the best. He was not of your level. It’s for your own good that he left.”

Mayra wanted to tell her everything but kept silent. The next day at college, she confided everything to Ria who widened her eyes shockingly, “What! Joy did that to you?” She continued, “Okay, did you try to contact Vivan?”

“What? Vivan? Joy, my close friend betrayed me Ria. He is threatening me. I have to find a way to get rid of him.”

“I know dear. But trust me you must talk to Vivan in the first place. Wait I am calling him.” Ria made a call from her mobile, but Vivan’s number was unanswerable. Then she went to the telephone booth to make a call. Mayra kept on saying her to give up, but she did not. After ringing a hundred times, Vivan attended the call. Ria told him to meet Mayra and sort out the problems going on between them. He refused at first but then agreed when Mayra picked up the phone.

As decided Mayra and Ria waited for him at a coffee place. Half an hour later, Vivan arrived and Ria left them alone after gesturing him. It was the first time, when there was awkwardness between them. Vivan broke the silence, “How are you?”

“Excuse me! What do you expect? How would I be?” She answered sarcastically.

“I am sorry. To speak the truth, I saw you with a guy. You seemed so cozy with him that I felt hurt. Yes, I came to the pageant. I was late so I could not wish you good luck, but I waited for you outside. When you came out after winning the crown, I saw you in someone’s arms. That clearly depicted that there was something going on between both of you.” Mayra kept on listening heart brokenly and he continued, “Look, I am not used to these kinds of things. I had no girlfriend before you. You may call me a typical guy from Bihar and yes, I am. But…”

Hardly had he finished, Mayra interrupted, “So do you consider me your property?”

“No Mayra. It’s just that… okay consider this. Have I ever touched you? Have I ever crossed my limits?”

“O God Vivan, in which century are you living in? I don’t believe this. You have such a lame reason to break up with me? You are right. You are a typical narrow-minded person. Now, I don’t know about you. But it’s over for me.” Ignoring Vivan’s call she dashed out of there. She told Riaeverything and commanded her not to interrogate Vivan.

Mayra returned home after meeting him. She took out the presents given by Vivan and decided to throw them away although she had thought of keeping them as remembrances of her first love.Vivan’s words were more painful than Joy’s betrayal. However she got to do something about Joy. She got a message at night. ‘I am sorry Mayra. I was insane. I love you. Please! Do not leave me. Give me second chance.’ She sighed after she read it but did not reply.

The next morning she encountered Joy who was having breakfast with her father. He smiled curving his lips when he saw her and she shrunk her eyes hatefully.

“Good morning Mayra.” Mr. Ben greeted as she sat down, “We were discussing about the offers you got. What have you thought about them?”

“Pa, I am going to meet them.” She said staring at Joy, “I want to start my career.”

“Good, but what about the studies? You have to take care of that too. That is very important.”

“I know Dad. You don’t have to worry about it.” She continued staring at Joy, “I will take care of everything. I should get going. Bye.”

“Wait, I’ll drop you.” Joy said but she turned him down and rushed out sighing.

She went to meet the Director of Vogue magazine. She was welcomed warmly. She was going to be the next cover girl. On the day of the photo-shoot both Vivan and Joy were waiting outside the studio. They were staring at each other continuously. Sometimes later, Joy went towards him. Although they knew each other yet, they formally introduced themselves.

“You are her boyfriend?! Really?” Joy laughed out loud, “So far I know, you left her few days ago.”

“I was a fool. I am here to apologize and bring her back in my life. I hope she forgives me.” He sighed and continued, “I have an apology to make to you too Joy. I saw two of you together and I thought you were a couple. I am ashamed to doubt your relationship with her. You are her friend…”

Joy interrupted, “Her friend who loves her.” Vivan was stunned and he continued, “Yes, it is shocking but you came in between us.”

Vivan stuttered, “What? But she didn’t say anything about you. She loves me. And I have ruined our relationship because of stupid reason. There was no you.”

Joy gnashed his teeth. He knew Vivan was right. He was only a friend of hers. But he has loved her since their childhood. And it was time to show this new guy his place in Mayra’s life. “Mayra slept with me.” He said straightforwardly.

Vivan was shocked after hearing this. Mayra was portrayed as a deceiver by Joy.He told Vivan everything that happened on the Christmas night but hid his deeds. Vivan felt a pain as if stabbed with a very sharp knife. He was engrossed in thoughts when Mayra came out of the studio. She was shocked as she did not expect him there. She also saw Joy standing next to his car. Ignoring him she headed towards Vivan.

“I did not expect you here. But I am glad you came.” Mayra said smiling, “Vivan, I know things are not well between us. But I have decided to make it work. I love you too.” She casted an eye on Joy and caught Vivan’s hand tightly, “We have to talk about certain things. Come, let’s go.”

“There is nothing to talk about Mayra. Leave my hand.”He commanded.

“What happened?”

“You know very well Mayra.”

“Know what?”

“Oh! You slept with Joy. Just admit it.” He yelped.

Mayra was taken aback but she pulled herself together, “Listen baby, please let me explain. I was drunk and…”

Vivan cut her in between, “It doesn’t matter whether you were drunk or not. You did it.”

“Vivan please listen, Joy used me and…”

“No more explanations Mayra, you don’t belong to my world and you’ll never be. I made a fool of myself. Goodbye and do whatever you want.” Ignoring her pleadings he started the engine and drove away furiously.

She was shattered. Seeing Joy laugh at her, she became wrathful so she went towards him and gave him a tight slap. “You will never get me.” Mayra went home sobbing. The next day she was found hanging through the ceiling fan and a note stating ‘I am done’.



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