Shazia Kazmi



Shazia Kazmi


Love Never Dies.....

Love Never Dies.....

10 mins

"Aarti are you sure?" Rashmi asked shockingly "Just think twice. Don't ruin your life".

"No this is my final decision. I will not leave him alone." replied Aarti.

"Now who can stop you, you and Ankit have been stubborn from beforehand", Rashmi sighed and left from Aarti's house.

"Ankit" Aarti whispered, a drop of tear fell from her eyes.

August 25th, 2006....

"Aaru, please listen to me..come on you can't always react so stubborn everytime", Ankit said.

"I am being stubborn?..Oh Mister Dude how many times I told you not to accept Rahul's dare", shouted Aarti.

"Aaru you will never understand these things, this is my way to stardom, I am a future superstar", Ankit said and winked at Aarti.

"Yes Mr future superstar now come to me to take any notes or approach me for doing any of your practical work", Aarti said angrily.

"Aaru I have a copyright on you for doing my college stuff, after all what are best friends for" Ankit chuckled and kept his hand on Aarti's shoulder.

"Oh yes how I forgot you are my best friend, sorry I shouted at fact I should have probably beaten you Piddu", said Aarti and picked up her shoes.

" Aaru don't call me by that name......... I have some reputation in college...." Ankit said and started running, Aarti laughed and rushed after him shouting.."Piddu come, I will show you your stardom.........

"ye ladka hai deewana, hai deewana" Aarti's phone rang, 'Rahul' the name flashed on the screen. She sighed and picked the call.

"What happened Aarti? You didn't pick up my call from yesterday neither you gave response to my messages" asked Rahul.

"I just don't want to talk to anybody right now Rahul" Aarti said being a little irritated.

"Ok, but you remember our tomorrow meeting. Just come on time and yes take care", said Rahul and the phone was cut.

"If Ankit would have been there and knew my mood was off he would have rushed to my place with pizza and ice cream", Aarti thought.

January 15, 2009.....

"Just change this caller tune of yours Aarti, It's outdated". once Ankit said.

"Why? You only kept it during our 1st year" asked Aarti surprisingly.

"But Its old now, change it,"ordered Ankit.

"Yes, I was even thinking of changing my best friend, same friend for 3 years, isn't it a little outdated," Aarti teased him.

"Dare you ever replace me Aaru, I know you will always maintain this friendship forever", said Ankit and smiled at Aarti.

"How could I replace you, I could never find a Piddu like you", chuckled Aarti and hugged him.

Both Ankit and Aarti's friendship was known all over the college. No one ever saw them parting away from each other in their 4 years of graduation. However, destiny wrote something else in their fate. Aarti never thought Ankit would leave her in the mid way, she always loved him secretly but never was confident enough to confess her love to him. She was afraid of his carefree attitude,she was afraid that her feelings can ruin her wonderful friendship. This friendship could have blossomed into love but Ankit's attitude never gave enough courage to Aarti to speak to him about her feelings. How can Aarti forget when Ankit told her about Kriti, the girl working in her office

October 10, 2012....

2 years after getting graduated from engineering college, both Aarti and Ankit got involved in their careers. But their weekends were reserved for both of them. Aarti was now noticing change in Ankit's attitude. He had now become a responsible person. Once when Aarti said to her "Ankit I am thinking to change my caller tune now".

"No I love it still, you don't need to replace that song and neither me" smiled Ankit. "Aaru I wanted to say something to you very important".

Aarti spilled her coffee, she became excited that at last Ankit will confess his feelings for her.

"Aarti I think I am falling in love. I don't know how I started having these feelings," said Ankit nervously "I have no idea how to confess my true love".

Aarti controlled her excitement and said "You were Mr dude of college, don't you remember how many proposals you have got, don't be afraid of rejection, at least you will not regret yourself for not trying even once".

"Yes, you are right Aaru. I will confess my feelings tomorrow itself to Kriti", Ankit excitedly said.

"Kriti........who?" asked Aarti surprisingly, her smile got froze.

"She is my colleague Aaru, she is the one with whom I want to spent rest of my life", said Ankit "You know I was very nervous about confessing my feelings, but I knew my best friend would help me in this". Ankit smiled sweetly at Aarti.

Aarti didn't say a word after that. What could she say? The one in whom she was finding her happiness has already chosen his life partner. She got broken from inside.

"Are you happy Aaru with my choice?" asked Ankit.

"Yes" Aarti controlled her tears and replied, "I am very happy for you, after all, I am your best friend".

October 27, 2017.......

"Is it Miss Aarti?" a male voice asked.

"Yes, sorry but who's this?" asked Aarti.

"This is Dr Siddharth over here. I am speaking from Cosmos Insitute of Mental hospital, Delhi. One of your relative is admitted over here".

"My relative is admitted in hospital?" Aarti said surprisingly "Can you please tell me the name?"

"Sorry but we don't have any identification about the patient. This diary was only restored in which your name, contact number was written and the patient's condition is also not mentally stable, he is only murmuring something like.....Aaru", said the doctor.

"Aaru....." Aarti's voice froze.

After 4 long years, she got to hear about Ankit and that too in an unexpected manner. Without informing anyone she immediately left for Delhi.

"Why Aarti why? Why are you doing this? Why are you still worried for him? He has moved ahead in his life, then why just to see him once is so important for you even now?" Aarti questioned herself. She looked out of the car's window, it was drizzling outside. She again got lost in her past.

March 10, 2013....

Aarti attended Ankit's marriage for his happiness. Though she lost her love yet Ankit was still her best friend and it is always said "When you truly love a best friend or lover, you do what's best for them and sometimes what's best for them isn't you"

Aarti could not blame Ankit for anything, actually she never showed the courage to confess her feelings. If she would have tried, at least things would have been different.

"ye ladka hai deewana,hai deewana" Aarti's phone ranged.

"You still haven't changed the ringtone Aarti?"asked Ankit.

"If I would change this ringtone means I have to change my best friend, what do you say? Shall I change it?" Aarti asked sadly.

"Don't you ever dare replacing your Piddu", Ankit said strictly. Both of them started laughing.

That was their last meeting. Aarti left for Mumbai the day itself, she decided not to look back and wished for Ankit's happiness.

Though it was difficult for her at starting but she decided to move on. She got a new job and got well settled in Mumbai. It was not that Ankit didn't try to contact her but she never responded to any of his messages or receive his calls. She didn't want her feelings to retrieve again. After 2 years she also got engaged with her classmate Rahul. Life was moving smoothly for her now, she buried her feelings for Ankit somewhere in corner of her heart and started living in the present.

"Ma'am, we have reached," the driver said.Aarti came back to her senses.

"Miss Aarti at last you are here. We are getting trouble in keeping this patient under control. His mental health is detriorating day by day", said Dr Siddarth who was handling Ankit's case."Just take a look at him".

With her heart thumping, Aarti followed the doctor. There he was tied up on a chair with his head bend downwards.

"Ankit...."Aarti called him. There was no response. She moved ahead and said "Piddu," Ankit lifted his head slowly and looked at her.

" are here", Ankit cried, "Take me away from here. These people are very bad, they torture me so much, they even told me my family is dead, Aaru tell them they are sitting right in front of me....Did you meet Kriti?..come with me, I will take you to her...You know........" his voice deceased slowly, the nurse had given him an injection.

Aarti was shocked to see this, she never expected to meet Ankit and that too in this condition.

"But doctor how come this happened?" Aarti was still in shock.

"We got the details of patient just 2 days back. After contacting you, I tried to gather information regarding his current situation. I got to know that one month before on night of 24th September, his whole family was killed by an intruder. Ankit was in the garden, he didn't have any idea what was going in the house. On returning back he saw the dead body of his mother, father, his wife. He was in shock, just then he heard his daughter's voice, it was coming from upstairs. He reached on terrace and to his horror he saw the intruder stabbing his 2 years old daughter in front of his eyes. After this incident, he slowly began to lose his mental ability. The neighbors told that he spent 4 days with dead bodies, he was not ready to accept the fact that they have died. He was holding himself responsible for all this, he was regretting why he was not there when his family needed him most. This guilt caused his mental illness to increase. Now he even started seeing his deceased family", said Dr Siddarth.

Aarti felt numb,she wasn't prepared for this, she was still in shock. The doctor handed her a diary and said "It was all Ankit had when we brought him here. He was not ready to leave this behind". With trembling hands, Aarti opened the diary......

Aaru it seems ages since I have talked to you.You know how I longed to meet you, even Kriti is also fond of listening to our friendship stories. You just left without leaving any message for your Piddu.....(10th july, 2012)

Aarti flipped some pages....

I just wish you would have been here Aaru, today I am badly missing you, I became a father...yes a father of a beautiful daughter. I want to share my greatest happiness with you. I have named my daughter Aarti......(7th July, 2014)

She flipped some more pages...

Every weekened I write a note for you seems yo have been lost...I lost my best friend somewhere. There are many things I want to share with you Aaru....please come back....please....(5th October, 2015)

A drop of tear fell from Aarti's eye on diary. She wiped her eyes and flipped through the pages ...on one page there was her photo and it was written....

Aaru your favourite thing was sitting in the garden at night and talking non stop...I do still remember your talks..but you are not here now to irritate me with your talks and yes how can I forget your ringtone? Is it still same or have you replaced it just like me........(24th September, 2017)

The diary fell from Aarti's hand....that night when the intruder was in the house ...Ankit was writing diary in the garden.....She freezed.

After 2 days she completed all the formalities and decided to take Ankit with her. Her friend Rashmi tried to persuade her from doing this but Aarti was adamant. She had lost her love once but now she would not lose it at any cost. Her love for Ankit was beyond limits and she now realised that she cannot run away from her feelings. She broke her engagement with Rahul, her decision made her family upset. But this time she didn't want to look back...God had given her a second chance to spend her life with her beloved. Aarti accepted Ankit in that condition and promised herself not to leave her best friend...this time.

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