Rohit Forever

Drama Horror Action


Rohit Forever

Drama Horror Action

Looking for Me

Looking for Me

8 mins

" It was 5th day since Natasha shifted in her new two stored house which had two rooms attached to the hall and one room upstairs. It was same from the first day but. . . .

Suddenly from the 5th day midnight, she heard some sound coming from upstair where her 6yr old daughter Sneha was sleeping. She went upstairs calling out Sneha name and when she opened the door she saw Sneha sleeping so She returned to her room and slept.  

Next day morning when Natasha went upstairs to clean Snehas' room, she found lot of mesh everywhere , she couldn't understand how it happened bcoz after Natasha got transferred to this city, she moved here with her child while her husband worked in another city. Only two people in the house and last night after Sneha slept everything was perfect in the room. For the next two to three days this was the scene. On fourth day around midnight, Natasha heard a bang outside and got out from her room and as she reached near the staircase, a ball came bouncing down the stairs and stopped near her foot. Natasha hurriedly ran upstairs and opened the door of Snehas' room and found her daughter sleeping

She closed the door and began descending down the stairs when she heard those sounds coming from her daughter's room. She again went into Sneha room to find no one there. Before she can understand anything she again heard the voice but this time coming from the hall. She ran down but didn't find anyone there. Confused she went into her room and got on to her bed but the thought of those sounds and incidents just kept her awake the whole night

Next night Natasha choose to stay awake and find the truth behind the strange sound. Late night when around 1am she again heard the voice, this time she quietly got upstair and Once upstair she peeped into Sneha's' room through the key hole and found Sneha sitting on her bed talking to someone and smiling but Natasha couldn't see through the key hole to whom Sneha was talking to. She at once opened the door to find Sneha alone there. She asked Sneha with whom she was talking to , initially Sneha hesitated but seen her mom's big eyes told her its her new friend. Sneha even told that it's being 5 days after moving to this house that she is being friend to this girl and they play every night and that girl had told her not to reveal it to anyone otherwise she will break her friendship with her. Saying this Sneha began to sob while consoling her Natasha asked her where did that girl go, to this Sneha told that the moment Natasha opened the door she ran into the wardrobe. Natasha looked into the wardrobe but didn't find anyone and came back, thinking that may be its Sneha's immaturity that she is saying like this and decided to stay beside Sneha so that she doesn't get frightened.

Next day evening Natasha had been to a nearby shopping mall and while shopping she came across a lady who happened to be her neighbour. While talking all of a sudden that lady asked Natasha didn't she or her daughter hear or seen any strange things happening in their house. Natasha was stunned to hear that and asked yes , they do but how did she know that ?

 The lady told her that it's being a very tragic story related to that house. The first family who bought that house after the actual owner, who happens to b a britisher sold it while leaving India after Independence, had a cute small daughter named Aahana and her parents never let her play with other children in her neighbour nor did they allowed her to mix with anyone even though Aahana was interested.  

One day taking the advantage of her parents absence, Aahana went out to play with the neighbouring children. She loved there company so much that she didn't notice when her parents return home and came there looking for her. Furious seeing Aahana in the company of others they dragged her into the house and locked her in the room. After few hours when her mother went to call her for dinner, she didn't find her in the room and they informed the police but they too were not able to trace her. Heartbroken months later the family sold the house and left the place, thereafter who ever came to stay there heard strange sounds and found strange things happening in the night. So the house was lying vacant for last two years because people think there is still the spirit of that girl in the house who roams in it. Hearing this Natasha was shocked and the thought of Sneha frightened her bcause she had left her along in the house and it's getting dark outside. Even Sneha had told Natasha that she sees someone in the house.

Leaving her shopping she hurried back home. The weather turned stormy, there were lightning and thunder going on . When Natasha reached home she found there was total darkness, as the area electricity was cut off due

to storm but she didn't understand why the inverter not working. The thought of Sneha gave her goosebumps, such a young child and its total darkness and even it's lighting heavily she ran into the house and turning on her mobile torch she ran upstairs straight into Snehas room calling her name. To her dismay, neither Sneha responded her nor she was to be seen in her room. Natasha got worried, she checked each and every room but didn't find Sneha. Even the inverter was on but not working. She thought of calling the police but there was no signal in her phone even the landline was not working may be because of bad weather. As Natasha was looking for Sneha, she heard that same mysterious voice and falling of utensils coming from kitchen, she ran into the kitchen but didn't find anyone. Suddenly she heard that voice coming from the hall, she ran out and found a shadow running upstair, Natasha couldn't make out anything just followed the figure in the hope of finding Sneha, the moment she reached near the Snehas' room, the door banged on her and it hit on her face so badly that she came fell tumbling down the stairs, she hurt herself very badly. Anyhow Natasha got up and made her way upstairs to Snehas' room and entered it , she kept on calling out Snehas' name, the weather was getting worse to worst outside, wind was gushing very hard into the room through the window, the window panel was banging hard on the walls. Natasha was in tears thinking about Sneha. she was blaming herself for leaving Sneha alone in the house. She was looking madly for Natasha here and there. while she was searching for her under the bed , she hard a loud bang she looked behind to find it was the door of Snehas' room wardrobe. She thought how did the wardrobe open when Sneha is too small to reach out to the knobe suddenly she remembered Sneha saying about the girl getting into the wardrobe. . She ran towards the wardrobe.

Once there she began pulling out all the clothes out of it madly crying out Snehas' name and in the process of doing it she hit something that resulted in opening of a secret chamber behind the wardrobe. Natasha had no clue about the chamber, by then her mobile battery had drained of, she lit a candle and very carefully she entered the chamber. There was a staircase going down, she carefully moved down, there were lot of spider webs everywhere and foul smell coming. She could hear that mysterious sound becoming more pronounce there. Her candle went off and then she tumbled over something and fell down. She tried to feel it with her hand and recognised it's Sneha lying there unconscious, she lifted her and ran out of the chamber and out of the house.

 It was pouring heavily outside. She got to her neighbour house fully drenched and rang the doorbell, the moment they opened the door Natasha fainted.

When Natasha regained consciousness, she found her neighbour standing by her and police too there. It's being morning, the sky was clear , immediately she asked for Sneha and Sneha came running to her and asked, "Mama are you fine".

Then Natasha narrated the whole story to the police and the police went inside the house and the secret chamber where they discovered a skeleton of a child and many valuable antique pieces. Later on it was found out that the skeleton was that of Aahana and the experts told Natasha that the strange sound that she heard was those of the bats that clinched from the roof of the secret chamber. When asked about the strange girl with whom Sneha use to talk, they told it's her illusion , as Sneha desperate to have friends for playing she had created one such in her imagination and talking to her. Those ball falling from the upstair and the utensils falling may be because of the cat roaming inside the house. The inverter batter has no water so it's charge got drainedoff. Sneha even told that Natasha had by mistake left the door of the wardrobe open in the morning and while playing Sneha had damaged her cloth so to find another cloth she had opened the wardrobe and somehow the secret chamber opened and as she entered it she fell down through those chamber staircase and fainted.  

The mystery of Aahana missing and those strange happenings in that house got solved and Aahana's parents were handed over the skeleton and other of her remains.

Now Natasha felt relieved that everything ended well.

For next few days everything went on well then one day she returned home dead by all days work she fast went on to sleep suddenly around midnight Natasha woke by by those sounds again, she went upstairs and looked into the room and found Sneha sleeping, smilingly as Natasha turned back closing the door , she was taken aback as Aahana's face was right infront of her face smiling and saying


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