Sujata Dash



Sujata Dash


Lock Down

Lock Down

8 mins

The coinage itself is unsavory, as we all are free birds, at least consider us to be.

 Too democratic in nature, having been able to exercise options.

 We do not relish intrusion into our way of life...nor have the habit of obeying instructions.

In the present scenario, when the dread has assumed pandemic proportion, to curtail unnecessary outings, authorities have come up with this brilliant idea.

The original period has been extended to control the spread.

 The backdrop cajoles us to stay indoors....minimize contact with the outer world.

 The promulgation is a huge hit in it is being observed both in letter and spirit.

 The other day, our maid took leave of us to go to her village.

  I paid her salary for the month in advance and some extra bucks for her ensuing travel.

 Since public transport is not in vogue, she took the help of her neighbor who could take her in his two-wheeler. 

They were to start at 3 in the morning, before it was dawn, to eschew, vigilant eyes of patrolling staff. She could barely manage to sneak through. 

Her village is 60 km away from the city. In a motorbike, the distance could have been covered in 90 minutes at best. But it took them almost 3 hours, as they avoided highways and took the circuitous path.

They were almost there and she was happy to fulfill her cherished desire.

At the entrance of their village, there is a bend.

They were asked to stop at the spot, as they were crossing.

From nowhere, a man appeared with masks and a stick in hand.

She was clueless as to the purpose of the man at such an early hour.

Though she was apprehensive, and fear ruled the roost, she lowered her voice and gently asked-

"Why are you stopping us? We are from this village only."

 The man replied in an agitated voice-" Show me your ration cards. Else, you will not be allowed to get inside. The rule is strict now.

She searched her purse and luckily found her voter identity card.

"See, I have got this voter Id with me. This is proof that I am from this village. I got this before going to the city in search of work. My Adhar card and ration card both have addresses of the slum where I live."

As a police inspector, the man looked carefully into details of the card.

Once pleased, he started -" In the village, we are taking both "lockdown" and "Social distancing" very seriously. Since, most of the population of the village is below the poverty line, affording medicare is out of reach. No doubt, our govt is taking care, but as a precautionary measure, we are religiously following isolation. Since you people have come from the city, you must be better aware of the formalities."

"I shall permit you to enter the village only when the sarpanch grants you entry. Else, you shall have to observe 14 days of isolation, which is mandatory for all, who come from outside. Many have migrated leaving their homeland, in search of better opportunities, only now, are coming back as the dread looms large. We cannot take a risk at this juncture. You please wait near the banyan tree and let me consult the sarpanch."

He was seen speaking to someone... came back after five minutes.

"Sorry, I cannot allow you to get inside. We have constructed a temporary isolation house, you shall be put there for observation for seven or 14 days, as the case may be. Then only, you will get a clean chit to enter."

My maid Sushila, was disheartened to learn this.

She made up her mind & came back.


She had gone there to avoid the scare but it seemed, the rigorous exercise for prevention at the entrance to her village itself made her realize that there is less compulsion in the everyone is an outsider having roots elsewhere. 

The next morning, the doorbell rang at the usual time. 

'Who could this be, Sushila is given off and has gone to her village. She would not be there before a fortnight. The security too was admonished to take proper care and not allow anybody."

As I opened the door with a swollen face and in an aggrieved state, I found her meek and mild demeanor, outside the door.

She was leaning against the wall as usual... I mean donning her cherished posture.

She looked tired and distressed.

Once inside, she made me listen to her ordeal, recounting each small bit.

"Ammaji, villagers are stricter than people in the city."

"They stopped me at the entrance and did not allow me even to cross the mark made with chalk. I felt like Sita, trapped behind Laxman Rekha. You must be knowing the story from Ramayana."

 Looking for something, she asked in a quaint voice-"where is the duster?-my ammunition of the daily battle, I am ready now to take a plunge into the battlefield."

" Sushila, I cannot allow you to work now, for 14 days at least, since you traveled 120 km to and fro. Enjoy your paid leave instead. Stay home and be away from the crowd. O.K."

"O.K.- ammaji. I cannot plead now, the time is such."

"But, what I will do? I am all alone in the house, you know that. "

"There is no one to talk to."

"I get to speak to people, have tiffin, tea and food to carry home when I do my duty. Now I shall have to cook for myself, for one person. I shall be reminded of my husband who left me five years ago."

Her eyes were flooded with tears.

"How shall I bide time ammaji?"

"Our community hall is closed too, so no entertainment."

 "The young generation is glued to the mobile all the time. It keeps them busy. But, for people like us, it has more nuisance value. We cannot stare for long hours as eyes have become old and haggard, nor can we go from one side to the other easily as the tips of fingers do not take commands suitably. "

"How to kill time? I shall be locked and down with desperation to hug the world outside. This is what I understand from lockdown. A difficult time for me."

"It would have been better if I have preferred to be at the village isolation house. From a distance, I would have been able to look at known faces, spoken to them through gestures if not words."

" I have met with a loss on both counts, it seems."

'Sushila, why are you so sad? After all, this is a temporary phase of life and precaution is better than cure."

"You can attend to many household chores now, which you had no time to attend to otherwise. You can clean your house, plant saplings, make small toys out of the mud and give them to children in your area."

"You will find avenues to keep yourself engaged, I am sure. Just have faith and patience."

 "You referred to the forbidden territory episode of Ramayana, no? The story of yore has a soothing moral embedded in it, which holds good in these days of fear. We need to obey when it has been set by the authority."

"Secondly one should know the dotted line set for him/her. This demarcation may be different or vary from person to person. We need to value it...thereby protect our own life, and that of others." 

"One last thing, wear a mask, when you go out, and keep your distance. These fifteen days will fly and you will be back to work again. Take care."

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