Ayush Gurung
Drama Tragedy
Dude there's no delete option
A New Restric...
Knowing Best
Great Divide
She lights the stove and cooks rice, dal, sabji , chapati for all the males of the house specially h... She lights the stove and cooks rice, dal, sabji , chapati for all the males of t...
The war is the reason everything transpired the way it did. That's how I've been able to live till n... The war is the reason everything transpired the way it did. That's how I've been...
Jatin was the topper of his class Jatin was the topper of his class
Akash looked at her, took a soft breath and said softly - Sejal, why are you over reacting... Akash looked at her, took a soft breath and said softly - Sejal, why are you ove...
The story of a young boy who comes to Mumbai in the dream of becoming a writer. The story of a young boy who comes to Mumbai in the dream of becoming a writer.
My God how mysterious are your ways. You fulfill my heart's desires in a fashion far beyond my expec... My God how mysterious are your ways. You fulfill my heart's desires in a fashion...
Zoya started updating her 15-year-old resume. Zoya started updating her 15-year-old resume.
Every step that I was taking towards the gate, I was feeling nostalgia... Every step that I was taking towards the gate, I was feeling nostalgia...
Kiran was too independent. She had a heart of gold and a whiplash for a tongue. And Kiran would not ... Kiran was too independent. She had a heart of gold and a whiplash for a tongue. ...
Selling off an old house is easy...but how do you sell your memories? A short tale of love, hate and... Selling off an old house is easy...but how do you sell your memories? A short ta...
He then closed his eyes and stepped towards the fathomless path of salvation He then closed his eyes and stepped towards the fathomless path of salvation
The story proposes the rightful heir in the epic of the Game of Thrones. Disclaimer :- This story w... The story proposes the rightful heir in the epic of the Game of Thrones. Discla...
His mother sobbed but never replied back. The next day, Nikolai came to know that his dad, a fire... His mother sobbed but never replied back. The next day, Nikolai came to know ...
Kunwar, who was still asleep beneath the warm duvet made few moaning sounds and began to snore mildl... Kunwar, who was still asleep beneath the warm duvet made few moaning sounds and ...
Running a Joint family required a great deal of patience and understanding - Amarnath had it in him Running a Joint family required a great deal of patience and understanding - Ama...
Love is the most expansive emotion we have. It is for us to make it inclusive or exclusive. Love is the most expansive emotion we have. It is for us to make it inclusive or...
A story written as a humble tribute to my mother's departed soul. A story written as a humble tribute to my mother's departed soul.
This Sunday morning was no different from the previous Sunday morning or even those before that.... This Sunday morning was no different from the previous Sunday morning or even th...
It was early morning; my mother usually went up to his room to serve him tea. He was unable to move ... It was early morning; my mother usually went up to his room to serve him tea. He...
I was taken by the guard forcefully to the area in between wing 1 and 2 where a canning set up was t... I was taken by the guard forcefully to the area in between wing 1 and 2 where a ...