Kindness Never Dies
Kindness Never Dies

Long time ago there was a girl, her name was Alice. Her family was very poor. But still she was kind and courageous, but her parents behaved with her like slave. She had to go to different towns to sell her handmade pie every morning and sell them till night and earn money for her family. One day when she was selling her pie, an old man came to her and asked her, "From where have you come here to sell your pie" she answered that she has come from the town situated on the other side of the river. The man said that he would buy all her pie and send her to school if she wants to go with him. She was confused that whether to go with the man or not, so she asked the man for one day for answering his question. She was so confused that she couldn't even sleep for a second; she kept on thinking till morning and she finally decided to go with the man. She packed her old torn cloth and quietly escaped before anybody wakes up. The man gave her the best care.
After 20 years the girl was ready to go for a job. After many years she saw her parents, their condition was so bad that they had to beg i
n different towns. She was shocked and asked them if they can come with her but they declined and started acting like anything, as when they saw their daughter was so rich, there greediness started; her mother said, "Why did you leave home, don't you love us? We spend 2 years searching for you and you betrayed us." The girl felt ashamed and went back to her parents, she made them a house and bought them new clothes but her parents were greedy, they wanted more from her. She bought them a new car and even a shop. And then one day her parents abanded her. She was very upset as she was being betrayed by her own parents.
One day an old lady came to her and asked her help as her child was in the hospital and was suffering from a dreadful disease. Alice quickly agreed and old lady's child was saved. Alice helped many people in her life. She always respected those who helped her in her bad times. One day she saw a poor boy starving for food. Alice saw her self in that boy and did the same with him as that old man did with her. She adopted that boy. Alice and that boy lived happy ever after.