Kill Her, She's A Girl
Kill Her, She's A Girl
Female, feticide is a crime against humanity. We all are talking about women empowerment these days but the fact remains that female fetus is being killed. This problem is coming up as a very serious issue.
It is important for parents to understand the importance of a girl child. It would be very easy to get this point by even just imagining a world without a girl means no mother, no sister, no wife, etc.
We go to the temple to worship the “Devis” but in our home, we are killing our “Devis” that also even before birth.
Now, it is high time we should take even more strict actions compared by the present actions which would help to stop “female feticide”. Even it’s totally up to you people to decide whether you want to see a change or not “Females” are very precious assets of the world.
"I am a girl and don't dare to kill me"