Janak Machchhar



Janak Machchhar


It Must Go On

It Must Go On

3 mins

Dear Diary,

When a long period of indolence succumbs you in itself; your inactivity becomes the prominent reason for Death to approach at your threshold so you can have a journey of the Dead. I had read somewhere, "Blessed are curious, for they shall have adventures" and there is no use of arguments or various kibitz to throw from your mouth because it is correct! Those who are inquisitive to their bone and possess an inextinguishable flame within them- they will have adventures; their body will be facing ecstasy and their minds will surely learn in its way and at the end of the adventure: others will be able to witness their countenances freshened with an extensive release of dopamine.

In the classic novel of Henry James Jr. "The Portrait of a Lady" there came a line that had the same gist as me; it said, "Travelling distracts the mind." The water reserved by a significant puddle stinks but if you see Holy Ganga or any other river at its originating point in the mountains or so- you will observe calmness in the flow and there might be fishes swimming it is also. Our human bodies are encapsulated by the four walls of our house, telling to stay there only and upon doing so we stink; but if we travel and roam to places (not carelessly) then we shall bloom like a water lily.

Not everything is delightful to everybody, but only a respective individual can discover by what deed he feels contented. In all a

spects mind is ultimately the one through whom our bodies function and so we must also provide attention to its growth. It is a tree having roots of neurons and leaves of thinking and multiple works, the trunk is formed of the spinal cord which should stay erect; the water to pour on it and nurture it is of knowledge and basic things which the society demands- we are ought to honor. Knowledge does not mean to learn and develop despicable ideas but it means to serve the society and be helpful to it; to the illiterate and to anybody who seeks help. As Arjun was acknowledged to the supreme information of Bhagvat Gita by "Him," there the Divine said a verse which suggested to perform deeds without the expectation of its fruit.

For the present if I talk; as the lockdown reigns all over our beloved and admired country- the students of matric and those below it are in a way gleeful to receive such a magnanimous vacation, they might be worshiping coronavirus to come or to send his mates at timings such as this. The schools are ought to work in accordance with the government laws so it remains shut, however, they have devised a more impactful method of transmission of their academic course completion. My school, Nachiketa Schooling System is sending us works via 'Whatsapp' and that is indeed appreciative; because there is no existence of any pressure upon us to force us to view the lectures in this particular time period; we are free to view it anytime, as much as we want as even to not to see it wholly.

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