Debargha sengupta



Debargha sengupta


Imperfect Engineers

Imperfect Engineers

2 mins

It's 2020 and to the current engineering batchmates, people I can feel you. It was our last year together and it's being ruined due to this virus thing so-called COVID-19. Isn't it pathetic? Not just pathetic or sad but too sad like extreme level pain. We all wished for days like this when we don't have to go to college and classes and just chill at home and now when it's finally happening we can't bear it.

This is Strange, isn't it?

We all do realize now that life is tough with friends, the ones who were just strangers once before 4years. We hated our regular classes, practicals, labs, assignments, Internals and all so much but now we are craving to go to college again and again. The faculties used to irritate us to a great extent but now we are dying to meet them again.

Remember how our minds wandered while the faculties were giving lectures.....

Remember how we use to run to the classes to drop our bags before faculty enters with a silly attendance sheet.......

Remember how we use to hide our phones whenever the faculty use to look at us.......

Remember the fun used to do outside of our classroom as soon as the class got over......

Remember how we used to hide each other's bag.....

Remember the wait for lunchtime but not because we can have our lunch but because the boring lectures will get over and the faculty would leave the class and we can do whatever we want......

Remember how we used to bunk the classes during any event time.....

Those sudden changes in plans whether to go to class or not use to drive us crazy.....

The sudden announcement of the assignments submission or Internals exams used to scare the shit out of us but besides all this way we used to show unity was the best...

Remember the good times spend together I wonder was it the mysterious way of the universe for making us realize the value of daily life? Maybe Right?

And we are the bloody engineering students who know how to survive in any situation, If we can take 192 Internal Exams, 106 Midterm, 106 Final term Exams, Practicals, Internships, Special Project, Grand Viva, and uncountable numbers of assignment and projects then COVID-19 is just a virus we can take it too... No offense.

I hope this gets over soon, we get to meet each other soon & we get these remaining days to spend with each other.

I hope everybody Turns out.....

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