



I Have Lost Interest In Recently

I Have Lost Interest In Recently

2 mins

Having been in lockdown for several months now, it’s not surprising that many of us have explored the untouched side of ourselves. Yes, I'm not the same person now than the one I was at the beginning of all this. 

Honestly, I lost my best memories due to COVID-19 which I decided to celebrate with my friends and teachers because I'm M. A Sanskrit final year Student. Recently I have lost my interest in many things like planning something big as COVID-19 pandemic has taught me to accept the reality and it also has given me lovely chance to do mini achievable plannings to enjoy by doing it 100% and recently I have lost interest in my academic studies because during this pandemic being at home I'm busy in spending time with my family and focusing on my hobbies. But now I'm again trying to give time in my studies because it's also necessary. 

I have recently lost interest in brooding over materialistic things and measuring success level with them. I feel grateful to have the love and support of my family and no longer make comparison with other people and I have lost interest in overthinking on the negative things. This pandemic situation made me realize, no matter what you plan for your future, things will fall into place when they are meant to, so just sitting and thinking over it and having apathetic thoughts is a waste of time, mood and energy. Instead, I prefer to invest all of these into some of my new interests and skill. As much as I acknowledge the role that social media applications play in providing various streams of people a platform to showcase their work and thoughts, I have lost the conviction to use them recently. I strongly feel it has forgotten human connect and is incentivising superficiality. I certainly have no interest left in displaying any of my life's aspect to anyone other than people who are really close. I feel that I have become more internal than I ever was. Now, this feeling might change anytime but I think I'm going to be like this for a while. 

At last, I wanna say losing interest in anything is taking yourself a step back from your own growth. One needs to train their mind in a way that whatever may be situation/circumstance, you stand strong to face every challenge. 

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