The story proposes the rightful heir in the epic of the Game of Thrones. Disclaimer :- This story w... The story proposes the rightful heir in the epic of the Game of Thrones. Discla...
Since childhood "Humus heir I" was provided with everything, he was supposed to be the future king o... Since childhood "Humus heir I" was provided with everything, he was supposed to ...
Ruchi has spent more than half of her married life in pain for not having a son, heir for the family... Ruchi has spent more than half of her married life in pain for not having a son,...
he king was getting old. He has to decide the next heir of the kingdom he king was getting old. He has to decide the next heir of the kingdom
The king did not care to listen to any more stories. The king did not care to listen to any more stories.
Meenakshi is an ideal daughter. She is a wonderful mother, an amazing better half, and a friendly pe... Meenakshi is an ideal daughter. She is a wonderful mother, an amazing better hal...