If one can ever truly believe in heaven and it's existence then yes, our creators are a true heaven.
One fine day i was having a talk with my parents. We were having a great Time and that was the day when my parents told me that I was a premature baby and how difficult my survival was.
My super strong mom is the bravest person who could ever exist for me. We both share a completely soulful bond. When she was nurturing me inside her womb, it was so heart breaking for her that her child's survival is n
early impossible and she had to give up on me but as she is so brave, she fought and continued and yes raised me into a strong person.
My father further told me that after my birth, my mother did not slept for months till I opened my eyes and it was confirmed that I am safe. Every night she used to continue watching me all night and hearing my heart beats to make sure am alive.
After knowing this, I was in tears of happiness and luck and this is the most beautiful memory with my creators, my parents.